Forum Headers
Woo! I look hot! And now everyone can love me! :vampgrin
Thank you for the new banners, Roz! I love the metal lettering. I just staring at it. It looks so weathered and touchable.
The blond isn't bad either. :wink:

Rowan Murphy
13 years ago
Not bad, but he ain't Cris.

13 years ago
*sobs into his drink* You wound me, Rowan

Rowan Murphy
13 years ago
It's far from the heart. I think your ego will survive. Besides, how can you begrudge Cris the right to a "number one fan"? He's gotta have at least one!
Vivienne Sena
13 years ago
Yeah I took out the old babylon banner from like a million years ago (had no idea it was still there) and changed out the weird white haired werewolf chick - only Alfarinn is up because I wanted to render some different angles with other people. So when I finish this friggin TAC event render (on hour 13 now and only 39% done) I'll do some other banners as well.
I left the worksafe banners up though.
I left the worksafe banners up though.

Christian Bern
13 years ago
Woot! I can't wait!
That's a long render, Roz! Sounds complicated!
That's a long render, Roz! Sounds complicated!

13 years ago
LOL I only saw it by accident. I think we all get stuck on the display style we like and don't so much change it. But both Alfrinn and (for lack of a better term) the bitty one look good.
I too am courious about this 39 hour render... I hope it is amasing
I too am courious about this 39 hour render... I hope it is amasing
Vivienne Sena
13 years ago
Turned out to be 20hrs total. Upgrading my computer here in the next couple of weeks though - I'm hoping to see way WAY better results in less time.
Vivienne Sena
13 years ago
Everyone thank Lotus/Vex for changing the banners to rotating. It'll allow me to do up to as many as I want, however - depending on what color skin you use, you might occasionally get a black banner on the white skin or vice versa. I'll start adding more in a couple days - I'm going to be offline upgrading my computer.
Alex Aristos
13 years ago
Neat. I like the rotating banner thing!

13 years ago
Woo, *hugs Vex* This totally appeals to my ADD and love of shinies!

13 years ago
I didn't see this right away. All I saw was the Pipers staring at me. It was rather disconserting... but very cool. That will be fun

Vivienne Sena
13 years ago
I get Alfarinn all the time!

13 years ago
I've gotten a few different ones. I really like the changing banners!

Christian Bern
13 years ago
Ellis was stalking me...
"Watch it, Lady, I'm pretty sure we still have bill for some broken windows at the Towers."

Ellis Duban
13 years ago
"Oh come on, it was just the front door!"
Ellis wrapped her arms around Christian's shoulders and nibbled softly at his ear.
Ellis wrapped her arms around Christian's shoulders and nibbled softly at his ear.

Rowan Murphy
13 years ago
"Sorry, maybe you didn't notice the 'do not touch' sign."
*carefully plucks Ellis's arm off Cris's shoulders and uses his forefinger on her forehead to push her away from his ear.*
"Get your own hot blond, scary lady."
*carefully plucks Ellis's arm off Cris's shoulders and uses his forefinger on her forehead to push her away from his ear.*
"Get your own hot blond, scary lady."

13 years ago
You know she likes to eat redheads for lunch, right? Where DID Addison go anyway?

Ellis Duban
13 years ago
"Jealous boyfriends are the best kinds. Where's Alfarinn? I hear his little blond piece is gone and I do so love long hair."
Ellis winked at the cute little boys and turned away to tuck her arms around the affable Alfarinn.
Ellis winked at the cute little boys and turned away to tuck her arms around the affable Alfarinn.

13 years ago
"Hear that Simon, that's the problem. I can get you some hair dye and some great conditioner. You'll be all set."

Rowan Murphy
13 years ago
"Jealous, not so much. Possessive, yes. Still mine."