an amazing kudos

To Scott. He drove 5 hours to visit me this weekend and we had a fabulous time. I finally destressed, and I think he did too. We went to one of my favorite restaurants which is a dairy farm. Yummm icecream. Then he took me out for dinner too at Outback. He so deserves mega kudos. Thank you for an amazing, amazing weekend dear.

Rowan Murphy 13 years ago
Grats on scoring brownie points Scott.
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Mmmmm brownies...

I mean that's great that you both had a good time!
Scott Kinney 13 years ago
I had the best Banana split I Think I've ever had.

And last night, we went to the best Outback steakhouse I think I've ever visited, and I've visited a BUNCH of them from coast to coast.

I had a great time, thanks for the visit!

(marks down the brownie points for future visits to the doghouse! )

Miya 13 years ago
Seriously. We walked out into a thunder and hail storm and when we got to the restaurant the manager was outside with an umbrella walking us from the car to the door. Our server was amazing, the food was divine, and i had my leftovers for breakfast today.

Heh. He had patience driving into the middle of nowhere for farm yummy food and ice cream. Yay for family owned farms. Next time you come I'll take you to the turkey farm for sandwhiches. <3
Vivienne Sena 13 years ago
Banana split? Is that code for something? I'm so old now. =( No, I kid! Glad you kids had a good time =)
Christian Bern 13 years ago
Shhh, Roz, you're not old. You're married. (Says the person who might be the same age)
Delilah 13 years ago
Your gonna go to a turkey farm for sandwhichs? and eat it right in front of the turkeys!?!