As You Wish (Open)
Rowan couldn't remember the last time he'd been in this position... so happy to be in it, too. He had a submissive nature, generally, so when he and Cris had mutually decided to go out and play tonight it was natural for them to fall into their current roles. His week at work had been disgustingly busy and he'd barely seen Cris at all. His current position actually served to help lessen the stress he'd been under; from the time they stepped out of Rowan's car Cris had been in control of everything and Rowan, grateful and relieved, had eagerly slipped into the role of submission he played now.
He was dressed (well, somewhat) in a pair of leather jeans, tailored to fit him perfectly. Rowan was vain enough to want to look good when he was out, and tonight was no exception. The pants hugged his hips, riding low, and were made of the softest, most pliant leather he could find. He wore nothing on top; Cris's preference, although Rowan didn't mind showing off and being shown off.
Around his neck was a purple suede collar, and around his wrists were matching purple cuffs. He followed closely behind Cris, his eyes demurely lowered, attached to his lover by a chain leash.
Aside from those, he wore nothing but his shoes and his usual assortment of hoops and studs in his ears. He didn't like the way the chain of the leash rattled occasionally, but he was the one who'd purchased it... he had liked the look of it. It was the only chained item he owned, and this was the first time he'd used it. He knew Cris wasn't aware of his unusual fear, or how much trust he placed in his partner by offering to use this particular item tonight. It seemed trivial. His trust in Cris was absolute. Were it some other hand at the end of the leash, Rowan would never have been comfortable.
In the long week since he and Cris had openly declared their love for each other Rowan had barely seen his partner, save for a few hurried kisses, embraces, and one lucky evening of feverish lovemaking when they'd been fortunate enough to find themselves in bed together as the ends of their shifts coincided.
Rowan was giving serious thought to quitting his job. He didn't think it was possible to miss someone as much as he missed Cris. When faced with one or the other, Cris won - hands down. Rowan wanted more time with him.
As they entered the House of Pain Rowan kept his eyes down, careful not to look at anyone, his attention riveted to Cris's feet in front of him.

Cris glanced back at Rowan as they entered the club through its underground entrance. His redhead was sexy, as always. There was something different about not seeing those green-grey eyes looking back him. Cris decided that he loved seeing them more than not and he loved his partner's normally self assured, easy manner. That was what he wanted most days. Despite that, there was something so unbelievably erotic about Rowan's downcast gaze and the willingness to please that it implied that Cris paused for a long moment to appreciate it fully.
The night had started with a discussion and when they decided upon these roles tonight Rowan had then asked him what he wanted him to wear. Cris had not been particular about much but he was specific about a collar and lack of shirt. His lover had amazing abs; it was a crime to cover them. He wanted to show Rowan off; he was proud of him and proud to be with him. Turning back around, he held the leash connected to his companion's collar, trailing it over his shoulder. One hand was low, holding onto the purple loop, and the other was high up on the chain, keeping his Rowan close behind him.
This role was both easy and natural to him and not. Cris had become a figure of authority despite his slight build and short stature while he had still been a young human. To command men, both older and larger, it had been necessary to show no fear, to be confident, clear in his orders, and fair but not lenient in the punishment of those who chose not to follow them. That knowledge gained by experience served him well even now when he daily held authority over vampires almost twice his considerable age. This was recreation and it had taken some time to learn the difference between his everyday behavior and what a submissive wanted from a partner. However, he was a quick study. Cris spent the occasional night being a Dom for a man or woman that he picked up here at the HoP or some human bar that was similar.
Doing this for Rowan was different. He cared about anyone's feelings and always carefully watched a person's aura and body language to make sure that he had not gone too far. However, Cris was not taking them home at the end of the night. There was no line that he could potentially cross that would harm a relationship with a stranger. It was simply about enjoyment of the moment and so long as no one was seriously injured or emotionally traumatized at the end of the night there was nothing more at stake. The worst that could happen was that each person walked away unfulfilled, wishing that the night had gone better. He would be going home with Rowan and, when the leather and collars were put away and they lay there together in bed, Cris wanted their relationship to be better off than it had been before they left the Towers.
He vowed, as he made his way to the bar by shouldering through the crowd, that he would be extra vigilant with his lover. Protecting Rowan, whether he needed it or not, came as naturally as breathing to him. He would make sure the night was a success and that Rowan's trust was not misplaced.
"Stand here."
Cris turned and indicated where they had come to a stop. He slid his hand slowing down the chain, letting his fingertips lightly brush over the length of Rowan's chest until he reached the waistline of his partner's leather pants. With a wry little smile, Cris let go of the leash and turned to the bar.
"Two double shots of rum."

When they'd decided what roles to play this evening, it was natural and right that Rowan be the submissive partner and Cris the dominant. Not only was it stress relief for Rowan, but when he'd mentioned it a couple weeks ago to Cris it had been met with enthusiasm. Cris had told him he would enjoy doing this with Rowan, and Rowan trusted his love. He was able to give himself up completely. Indeed, as Cris turned and looked at him Rowan could feel tight muscles relaxing, as if something inside had uncoiled and let loose.
In his opinion this was better for Cris, too. Rowan was flattered and honored that Cris placed their relationship so high on his list of priorities. Rowan, however, couldn't forget Cris's position in the Clan. He would far prefer to be seen in public as Cris's toy, than the other way around. Not that Cris needed any help regarding his reputation, and certainly he was capable of protecting his own position, but in Rowan's opinion it couldn't harm either one much to be seen in public this way. What sort of partner would Rowan be if he didn't care equally, more, even, for Cris? Maybe in future visits they would switch it up and play opposite roles but Rowan was more than satisfied with this one tonight.
When Cris stopped him Rowan watched his strong slender hand, gentle upon the chain leash as it trailed down, fingertips brushing his chest. His skin responded immediately, nipples hardening, pinpricks rising along his arms. Just that light touch, he loved it. He swayed unconsciously toward Cris and then stopped.
"Yes, sir," he said softly, caressing the words with his accented English, making them sounds less like he was responding to an order and more as if he were agreeing to perform a service.
When Cris's fingers reached the waist of his pants Rowan glanced up quickly before casting his eyes down again, half-closed with contentment. He wanted to show Cris, his way, the sense of warmth, love, and trust he inspired in Rowan, but that was not the game. Rowan wouldn't break the rules. If Cris chose to look, he would see it without any help from Rowan.

He came back with two full shot glasses, not quite to the top but the bartender had been generous. Cris held them both out to Rowan.
"Take these and follow me. Be careful, Don't spill them."
Or...the unsaid implications involved some sort of punishment that they were both likely to enjoy immensely. Of course, there were also rewards for a job well done and Cris knew that his partner preferred to excel at whatever he set himself to doing. He did not think that it was necessarily a competitive nature with Rowan as much as it was the sense of pride in a job well done. Cris sympathized with that feeling himself.
He took the loop of the leash and held it loosely, holding his hand behind his back so that Rowan had plenty of room to maneuver as people jostled, shoved or just didn't pay attention to where they were going. Looking around the room, Cris spotted a booth in a neutral section. He could not help it if some of Evenhet saw them but he would not go out of his way to engage their clan mates tonight. He and Rowan did have to live with them and he didn't want their first impression of his partner to be half naked and wearing a collar...though he was so deliciously tempting that way.
Sliding into the booth, Cris sat down at the edge of it and turned his gaze to his partner and his liquid cargo.
"Set them here, please, and then come kneel beside me." He had not slid further in so that his companion did not have to duck his head low under the table. Rowan could, if that was where he chose to kneel but he could also stay just beside the booth and still be next to him. He would then, however, be in the path of people walking to and fro. Cris wondered which Rowan would choose; he thought he knew but he would wait and see.

He followed Cris as closely as he could while carrying the glasses and weaving slightly to avoid some of the rowdier clientele at the HoP. Cris chose a booth that wasn't in their Clan area, which made sense really. If they did decide they found someone who appealed to them in a culinary sense, this was the logical place to find them rather than in Evenhet's area where that person was more likely than not to be a Clan member or familiar.
Rowan set the glasses down upon the table without spilling as he'd been instructed, and then considered his choice momentarily. Cris was sitting at the edge of the booth. His order had been for Rowan to kneel beside him, which meant Rowan could do so right here or he could slide under the table and further into the booth. That wouldn't really be 'beside' Cris at that point, however. It would be sort of... on the side of and in front of. At any rate, part of the purpose of going out this way was to be seen. Rowan did not mind if he was seen kneeling on the floor by Cris's side, and if he stayed on the outside of the booth then he would force passers-by to go around them, meaning there was no chance that Cris could get jostled either.
That was more ideal to him. If Cris wanted him to move, he would tell him to. Rowan folded himself gracefully down onto his knees, facing Cris with his back to the rest of the club. He rested his hands on his legs, looking peacefully meditative in this pose.
He briefly wondered if there was anyone here he knew; he had come here many times in the past month and a half or so looking for an easy meal when his shift at work had gone long and he was exhausted and thirsty. Sex had been involved quite often although... not since Cris. Rowan rather enjoyed the idea of being seen here with his partner now. He wished he could wrap his arms around Cris, touch him however briefly, and claim him in front of everyone... but this game was equally tantalizing and he knew touch would come. Patience was always rewarded, and Cris was not the masochist, to deny them both that pleasure any longer than necessary to build up the anticipation and excitement.
Rowan sat still, listening to the noises and voices in the club around them but most of all, riveted on Cris, waiting and watching and hoping for another chance to perform for him.

His lover had, he noticed, managed to make it the table without spilling a drop of alcohol. Cris watched as Rowan knelt next to him on the outside of the booth instead of choosing under the table. He was mildly surprised; he had thought his partner would have chosen the option to save other people from having to walk around him. Rowan always seemed to be putting other people's needs before his own. He was beautiful and wonderful like that. Cris considered his partner for a moment, thinking perhaps Rowan sat on the outside for him.
Smiling he leaned down and tilted Rowan's chin upward so he could kiss his lover. It began tenderly but ended with more passion; Cris sucked and nibbled on Rowan's lips before his tongue demanded access to further explore, caress and claim.
[Every good job deserves some kind of reward, My Love.] He tugged gently on Rowan's bottom lip before leaning back.
Cris turned his attention to the two drinks that were now sitting on the table. Picking up one of the shot glasses, he brought it closer to Rowan. Dipping his finger into the rum, he held it out to his partner.
"Demonstrate for me what you would like to do later."

He melted into it with a tiny sigh of ecstasy, returning it with equal tenderness and then equal passion as Cris gently invaded his mouth. Rowan would have reached for more, had this been a normal night. He would have deepened it, stoked the fire to greater heat, but as it was he restrained himself and simply matched Cris's intensity without overstepping his bounds, enjoying it for what it was and living in this perfect moment for this perfect kiss.
As Cris pulled away Rowan uttered another sigh, already wanting more. He didn't respond directly to Cris's sending, but instead looked into those very blue eyes with a brief, brilliant smile of his own. For a few more moments like that there was no limit to the things Rowan would do. If it was Cris's pleasure, then it was Rowan's privilege.
Cris's next direction was just as pleasing as the reward. "Gladly, sir," Rowan said, his smile softer, more sultry. He suspected Cris was going to feel this one, possibly harder than Rowan.
He raised his hand, gently grasped Cris's wrist, and slid the pad of his thumb lightly over the palm of Cris's outstretched hand. Making gentle, suggestive circles, Rowan leaned in and ran the tip of his tongue along the underside of Cris's finger, flicking it against the beaded drop of rum at the tip. Pulling away briefly he looked up, licked his lips, and then leaned forward once more, this time enclosing Cris's entire finger in his mouth.
He was aware that they had attracted some small amount of attention thus far; Rowan was pleased with that. If they wanted to attract a third for the night, which was a possibility they had discussed, there was no better way. The HoP wasn't exactly the most discreet establishment once you were inside. There were those who would see them, and they would approach or not, as they desired. Rowan never minded giving a show. In this case though, he was focused on pleasing Cris and the show took a back seat. Fulfilling multiple objectives, however, was not a bad thing.
As he sucked softly on Cris's finger Rowan moved back and forth a bit, swirling his tongue over it to taste the lingering bit of rum. Cris had wanted a demonstration; Rowan was more then eager to provide one. He spent a good minute caressing Cris's hand with his thumb; his finger with his teeth and tongue, in perfect imitation of what he would like to do later... if Cris allowed it.

But share...perhaps.
His lover's sighs made him want to lean back down for another kiss but Cris was determined to be patient.
That determination faltered when Rowan reached up and began to gently caress his palm while his lover's tongue skillfully toyed with his finger. Cris let out an anguished moan before gritting his teeth to stifle any more sounds that threatened to escape. He closed his eyes and took a deep fortifying breath before opening them to continue watching Rowan demonstrate so eloquently what he was capable of.
When his partner was done, Cris shook his head ruefully and responded in a quiet voice made deeper with desire. "After that you may just get your chance."
Taking the other shot glass, he knocked its contents back and then turned to his lover. Cris placed a light rum flavored kiss on Rowan's lips and then handed his partner the other shot glass.
"For another job well done."
He reached out and caught the attention of a passing waitress who had slow down to move past Rowan. Cris noted that this out in the aisle position had side benefits that he had not thought of.
"Two more, please."
Running a possessive but gentle hand through Rowan's hair, Cris then stroked light fingers along the nape of his lover's neck while looking around the club. The auras of many people were various shades of red with different forms of desire but Cris noted the ones who displayed those colours while looking their way. He counted three for certain and one he would need to watch more closely. That one was looking away but the rest of the body language and occasional glances suggested keen interest.

The phrase was one he knew Cris would recognize. Because of their chance meeting with Pakpao in the bookstore he knew Cris was familiar with the Princess Bride. If he remembered the significance of the phrase, Rowan would consider his use of it a complete success since it fulfilled two desires at once.
His partner swallowed down his rum shot, with gusto. Rowan hid his amusement. Cris had requested that show after all. After Cris's soft kiss Rowan licked his lips slowly, tasting the flavors of rum, and Christian. He preferred the latter. That said though, he looked up to receive his own shot and drank it down just as quickly as Cris had, setting the glass up on the table for the waitress to pick up.
Rowan tried not to move when Cris began to touch him, his soft fingers undeniably claiming him, but it was impossible. He leaned slightly into Cris's caress. As those possessive hands drifted over the back of his neck Rowan bowed his head once more, the better to feel every little shift, every light nuance. If he kept performing properly this would continue. Rowan wanted more, desperately. The torture was as sweet as anything could be. Having to wait only made it better.
He noticed Cris scanning the crowd but he didn't speak to inquire if his lover had found anyone who might be acceptable to them both. Cris would tell him. Rowan was still curious, however. He wished he could use his empathy with Cris's ease sometimes. Since he couldn't, though, and wishing didn't generally produce reliable results, Rowan contented himself with shuddering with pleasure at the combined effects of Cris's loving fingers and the tingling warmth of the rum.

He glanced down at his partner when he felt Rowan's head tilt further forward. Cris silently guided his lover's head to his leg with the hand that had been toying with Rowan's hair. Feeling the weight of partner's head against him was comforting. They had spent so little time together this past week, and despite some desperate needy sex as soon as they were both free, Cris still had the incredible urge to touch and hold Rowan every possible moment in an effort to sate a seemingly insatiable need for the man.
The waitress came back with the two drinks that he had ordered and set them both down on the table. Cris picked his up and drank it. He looked down at Rowan and then his eyes flickered back to the girl who was interested but determined not to look. He wanted to get a better idea of who she was: vampire, familiar, someone previously bitten or an unsuspecting human.
Running his fingers through Rowan's hair once more, he said quietly.
"Come sit up here with me but turn and face the dance floor."
Cris moved back to give his lover room on the padded bench next to him. Turning toward Rowan, he placed one knee on the bench and raised himself high enough to lean over his partner. Cris wrapped his arms around Rowan's chest and leaned down to his companion's neck, brushing his lips lightly along it.
[There is girl leaning against the column on the dance floor. She is interested but her aura is...odd. She seems scared, excited and turned on all at once. There is longing but also real fear. I want to know why.]
They had come to play and maybe they would still do that but something about the mix of emotion in the girl's aura drew him to her. Cris hated seeing fear and he wanted to fix it when he did.
[I want to know if she has been with one of our kind before.] He smiled into his lover's neck. [Be....expressive, Love.] That direction given, Cris pulled Rowan tight against him and slowly sank his teeth into his companion's neck, all the while watching the girl across the room.
Her aura changed colours immediately and all the previous colours became more intense. There was now more lust filled red, strong but dull yellow fear and a brighter yellow of recognition circling her head. Her eyes were riveted on his for a long moment before they dropped to Rowan. A beautiful pink entered her aura pulsing around her chest...longing. Cris pulled away, kissing his partner's neck and then whispering softly in his ear. "My Love."
Cris turned his attention toward the girl and, giving her a level look, reached out his arm and told her to come over with a beckoning motion of his hand.

Rowan heard Cris's quiet command and moved immediately. Although he'd been comfortable and happy where he was they were here for another purpose, and Cris seemed to have seen or heard something he was curious about. Rowan slid up into the booth and Cris immediately embraced him, pressed close behind him, his strong arms sliding around Rowan's chest, restrictive, confining, and completely comforting.
He tilted his head away as Cris's lips grazed his neck, allowing easy access, shivering at the light touch. It drove him crazy and Cris knew it. Rowan opened his eyes slightly as Cris's voice in his head explained what he'd seen. A frown crossed his features at the description. Rowan felt very strongly about physical pleasure... it should be exactly that, pleasure. Fear had no place in this sort of activity. Sex didn't have to involve love all the time (although Rowan, having been so recently converted, was now a huge fan of that aspect), but everyone involved should experience enjoyment, not fear.
Rowan nodded, in complete agreement with his boyfriend, acknowledging both Cris's desire to know more and the next directive, which was absolutely no problem at all. As Cris bit into his neck Rowan cried out, closing his eyes again, gripping the edge of the seat in one hand while the other clasped itself over Cris's linked hands. His toes drove themselves into the floor and he arched his back sinuously, pressing up into Cris's bite. [Oh god... Cris...]
There was no greater aphrodisiac in the world. Rowan hadn't needed it; he'd been plenty turned on already. He writhed ecstatically in Cris's firm hold, moaning softly once again when Cris drew away and whispered to him. He was panting slightly with the force of his own desire, but he opened his eyes to see Cris beckon to the girl in question.
She was tallish, pretty, with a round face and features that were clearly part Asian. She was slim, athletic, and beautiful to look at. She had not missed Cris's gesture and seemed torn. Rowan met her eyes and smiled gently into them. He nodded, almost imperceptibly, reassuring her. She had nothing to fear from either of them. He couldn't communicate that to her from here unless he glamoured her, and Rowan wasn't about to do that. Never in his long life had he ever had to attract a partner through any means but his own charm. Using one of his abilities to do so would have been rape, in his mind. He refused.
After a moment's hesitation the girl moved away from the pillar she'd been leaning on and slowly approached. Rowan relaxed further into the one arm Cris still had around him and smiled again. Maybe they could help. It was up to Cris, however, to do the talking. Rowan would have to do his own part another way. He wouldn't break out of the role he'd chosen tonight.

Returning his attention to the girl, he turned and sat back down in the seat, one arm still wrapped loosely around Rowan's waist.
"Sit with me, Love."
The girl stood at the edge of the table; Cris gestured for her to have a seat in the booth. She tugged on the edges of the long sleeves on the bolero styled jacket that she wore. It was black and red brocade and very well made. She wore it with all the antique silver buttons closed. The girl smoothed her hands over the short black tapestry mini skirt and its double row of black tassels that covered a pair of red tights with artfully placed holes and slashes. He noticed that while her midriff was completely bare that her neck was covered. As she sat down, Cris could just make out the existence of a slender black collar beneath the jacket.
"Good evening. I am Christian and this is Rowan." He turned his attention to his lover, stroking a hand lovingly and possessively up his partner's arm before returning it to Rowan's waist.
The girl's eyes darted to his face quickly at the introduction. They were a pretty green with a center of brown. Her attention lingered on Rowan longer and the colours of longing became more vivid. There was now nervousness and excitement mixed in with the fear and desire. There was also hope.
"Ume" She responded quietly.
"Are you interested in joining us, Ume? We would enjoy your company if you wish to join us in the back rooms as a third." Cris watched her aura as it flickered and changed while she considered. "We will set limits now but I promise you neither of us will hurt you...whether you are interested in that or not."
Ume's eyes returned to his face, flickering across it for signs of deception or sincerity, before she nodded once in understanding and returned her focus to the hands that rested in her lap. She was relieved. It was clear to his empathy but, even without it, he could see her shoulders visibly relax. Cris smiled.
The blond man talked to her in soothing voice. It held her attention and commanded respect in an easy fashion the reminded her of Rick. Ume missed Rick and Jenny. She could have glad lived her life as their third. At first she was dubious that such a situation would work at all but they both seemed pleased to have her with them. Jenny had not been jealous or resentful at all. Later, when asked, the woman explained that she and Rick had discussed Ume in depth before they approached her that very first night. Ume learned that, while Jenny played the role of sub for Rick in their sex lives, the pair had a very equal and loving relationship outside the bedroom.
It had been devastating to her when they left Nachton and returned to Ohio. The couple invited her to visit whenever she wanted but Ume had yet to do so. She longed for a permanent relationship that worked as well as theirs. So she kept coming to the bars, searching and hoping.
That was how she met Heather and Stan. It seemed okay at first. They were an odd pair. Both were dominant and wanted to take turns with her. They went to a hotel. One would play and the other would watch. It was exciting and fun for a while. Then there was an argument between them and challenging words were spoken. The pair became more and more cruel with each turn. They seemed to have forgotten all about Ume's pleasure and were focused entirely on each other. She begged them to stop and they ignored her pleas. They continued on until she passed out. Ume was not sure what they did after that. She woke up naked and bleeding in the bed, bruises on various parts of her body. She was alone and a large stack of bills were on the shabby little dresser. Ume cleaned up herself and the tiny room, to the best of her ability, before making her way home. She hated leaving a mess. She took the money; though, it made her feel like a whore. It sat in her desk drawer, unspent.
Now, several weeks later, here she was again. Ume was not sure what she was trying to prove. Maybe she wanted to know if she was still interested in this lifestyle. Maybe she wanted to conquer her fears or put it behind her with a better memory. She was not entirely sure. She had not been able to convince herself to openly advertise. She had covered up the collar and lurked on the fringes of the club. A large part of her hoped that no one would notice and she could just return home again alone. It happened that way quite often, even when Ume had been more overt in her interests. Not every outing resulted in a pairing up.
They discussed the details of what they wanted. The blond, Christian, reassured her again that they would not hurt her. From the way he treated the redhead, Ume believed he meant it. It was the love and trust that she saw in Rowan's eyes that eased her fears the most. The couple reminded her more of Rick and Jenny. There was love silently written in the blond's soothing touches to his partner. Up close she could see respect in his very blue eyes when he regarded the redhead. The man with the collar was not a toy, no matter how they played. Ume relaxed and began to have real hope for a good experience.
Cris slid the other shot toward Rowan. [You certainly earned it, Love. She likes what she sees when she looks at you. ] He regarded his companion for a long moment. [I certainly cannot blame her. I love what I see too.]
When Rowan finished his drink, Cris gestured them up and out of the booth. The waitress saw them stand and came over. Cris settled the tab quickly. Then, holding Rowan's leash with one hand, he took hold of one of Ume's hands and led them both toward the back rooms.
((OOC: Ume's response added into Cris's post because I am lazy and this is easier. ))

The girl was at their table now and Rowan nodded mutely to Cris, pulling himself into the booth to sit properly. Cris's arm wound around his waist and he leaned into his partner, watching the girl with interested, intent eyes for a few moments before dropping them once more. As Cris spoke to her he took her in in short glances, noting the nerves, not missing the collar beneath her jacket - covered up, as if she weren't sure what she wanted.
He could see her relax though. Who wouldn't? Cris radiated control and confidence. To anyone who had submissive tendencies Cris was a beacon to be drawn to. His size and stature mattered not at all; the air he carried himself with spoke of someone who was used to being in charge.
Drinking his shot quickly Rowan smiled and responded to Cris. [Pat yourself on the back then. She sees what she sees because of you and no one else and I love you for it, too. I may be bound,] he glanced at his cuffs, [but you free me like this.]
It was a small departure from his role, but it needed to be said. Rowan would have been guarded, doing this with anyone else. Normally he did not fill this role with strangers. He tended to end up the dom himself, something he didn't mind. With Cris, however, Rowan's trust was absolute and unshakable. There was nothing he would hesitate to do in Cris's care. He was, indeed, free to feel anything and everything when he was with Cris.
The girl, Ume, accepted the invitation and Rowan felt a shiver of mingle anticipation and excitement as he followed Cris obediently. Since arriving in Nachton he'd used these rooms more than a couple of times himself. Cris seemed to know exactly what he wanted, naturally, and Rowan followed with silent interest as they obtained a key and made their way down first one hall and then another to a solid wooden door.
Inside the room was decorated in black and purple. Rowan was amused and, indulging in a bit of vanity, pleased that he had unintentionally coordinated his outfit. There were various arrangements of aids on the wall; ropes, bindings, and cuffs. There were also various pieces of furniture; a bed, a chaise, several chairs. It was definitely not your average vacation room, that was for sure.
Rowan glanced at both Cris and their new partner, Ume, wondering what Cris had in mind. He did not mind being used by Ume to overcome whatever reluctance or fear she had. He would help as best he could in his current role. The idea here was to have all three people involved enjoy themselves, find some release, and in his case and Cris's, obtain a snack.
As the door closed and they found themselves in the quiet, dimly-lit room, the thumping noise of the music in the club outside a mere hint of what it had been before, Rowan stood quietly, shoulders and feet squared, his posture open, willing, and eager. He was ready for whatever his lover had in store.

The girl with the keys asked what room they wanted and showed them the list of amenities. Cris picked one he had used before that had a decent selection of ropes, chains, restraints and toys.
Closing the door, Cris turned to Rowan first. He took the leash off his partner's collar and then said.
"Undress then kneel here and watch."
Turning his attention to Ume, he spoke as he started opening the buttons of her jacket, watching her aura carefully as he worked. "We want you to enjoy yourself and feel free to trust us. That is hard with a stranger so Rowan and I will show you first." Cris pushed the jacket open and then came around behind Ume so that he was not obstructing his lover's view. He pulled the garment off and set it on a nearby chair. She had on only a dainty red satin bra beneath it. Unlatching the hooks in the back, he slid his thumbs through the straps and tugged them gently off her shoulders. Cris ran his hands slowly around her chest and up over her breasts. Ume's breath hitched in a small gasp and a shiver went down her spine but she didn't resist and her aura indicated growing excitement and arousal.
He knelt and untied the high heeled ankle boots she was wearing and set them beneath the chair. Then he resumed his position behind Ume, reaching around her to undo the clasps of the skirt which were decorative and fastened in the front. Cris pushed the fabric down over her hips until gravity took over and it dropped to the floor. He left it there as he slowly slid the red tights down her legs. The final piece was to take out the two chopsticks that bound her hair into a bun; it fell in a thick shower of raven coloured strands down to her lower back. Now that Ume was fully undressed Cris could see faint yellow bruises over most of her body. He knew that the faded injuries would not escape the notice of the doctor watching. [The reason for her fear is obvious now. I am surprised she was willing to come do this again so soon.] Darker ones still existed around her wrists and had the distinct shape and texture of thick twisted rope. He glanced at them and then up at her face. Ume blushed and looked at the ground; he could see shame colour her aura. It made him angry; whoever had done this had obviously gone past what she considered to be enjoyable and the depth of the rope burns suggested that she had struggled. It was a violation of the trust she had placed in this person.
Cris went to the wall that contained pegs and shelves for storing all the items neatly out of the way and selected two pair of leather cuffs with plush fabric on the inside. Bringing them back, he could see that she was relieved with his choice and held up her hands to him for him to strap them on. Cris placed a soft kiss to the inside of each wrist before he buckled the cuff as a silent promise that such abuse wouldn't happen with him. Kneeling down, he strapped the others to her ankles and then motioned her to one of the nearby chairs. This one had restraints that he tightened down over the cuffs on both her wrists and ankles. The chair was split down the middle and the two pieces could be pushed apart. For now he left them closed. Brushing a light hand down Ume's cheek, Cris turned his attention back to Rowan.
"Your turn, Love."
Going back to the wall, Cris picked up a thick black nylon cord. He came to a spot directly across from Ume and turned back to his partner.
"Come stand here and give me your wrists." He looped the cord through the rings in Rowan's cuffs and knotted it. He tossed the other end up and over a sturdy metal bar that ran horizontally six inches from the ceiling. Cris slowly pulled the rope tight until Rowan's hands were raised over his head; he then bent down and secured it to a hook near the floor.
His question was sincere; Cris didn't pull the rope so tight that Rowan had to stand on his toes but it was taunt enough that his lover had to stand erect with his arms stretched above him. It gave Cris enticing access to just about every inch of skin he might want to touch, fondle or kiss. He planned to do all those.

Once more Rowan caressed the two simple words, raising his voice enough so that Ume could hear and understand the term she should use, but also so she could hear the warmth, the trust, and the love. Rowan understood how it felt to be helpless; how exciting it could be, how liberating and comforting at once. It was nothing to be ashamed of.
He bent and removed his shoes, then slid his jeans off and laid them neatly beside him as he knelt, as directed, on the floor. His grey-green eyes trained on Cris, Rowan watched every move his partner made. He made no attempt to hide the raw desire on his face. Cris's hands, gentle upon Ume's golden skin, were sensual in their slender strength. Rowan took it in hungrily. Was that how Cris looked when they were tangled together? No... not entirely, he thought. Cris was gentle, polite, considerate, with Ume. Clearly he wanted to bring her pleasure. But, Rowan thought with a tiny bit of possessive pride, Cris was guarded. Somewhat more closed off, with their apparently human friend. When Cris touched him, there was love there, openness, expression. Rowan's heart swelled with love in return.
With Ume's body bared to them both Rowan did not miss the yellowish bruises, even on her tawny skin. He looked at each one and knew his fingernails were digging into his thighs. [When we're through here I want to check her out,] Rowan sent back, feeling justified in breaking out of his role. [She's clearly well. But... I can't leave her without making doubly sure.]
He would rather have done so right then, except that Ume was quite obviously all right, physically. What she needed now... Rowan understood. It was mental, emotional. [I'm not, not really,] he said to Cris. [She has to know. If she made the wrong choice then, and the right choice now.]
He'd worked with victims of abuse. He'd seen rape victims, beating victims. He'd worked with men and women alike who, like Ume, like himself occasionally, felt the need to be used by someone else. They weren't always smart about it. He and Cris, though, could help fix her heart, if they were careful. And they would be.
Rowan watched Cris's tender treatment of the woman who had decided to accompany them tonight, proud of his lover, feeling a profound sense of pride that Cris chose to be with him. There could be no one kinder, and how he loved him for it, and so many other traits.
Rowan offered Ume a gentle, reassuring smile. This was all right. It was tempting for him to reach out to her, to soothe her, calm her. But that was cheating, even if his intent was to help. She would feel confident again... naturally, without Rowan's mental intervention. If he glamoured her here, it became that much easier to justify using it the next time... and the time after that. He couldn't.
"As you wish," he said to Cris as his partner once more directed him. Again, that soft smile, as he proclaimed his love as subtly as he could with the few words he was willing to use.
Cris strung him up facing Ume; Rowan watched his lover closely, noting the slight difference in his expression with him here, so close. His proximity was tantalizing. Rowan clamped his lips against a soft hum of desire and tried to instill patience in himself.
Cris inquired as to his comfort. Rowan rolled his shoulders, more for Ume's benefit, to prove the question was meant seriously and that Rowan felt free to answer truthfully. He smiled and nodded; he was completely comfortable. Aside from the fact that he was aroused, of course.
"Perfectly, Cris," he whispered softly.
Rowan sighed happily and settled into the bindings. He closed his eyes briefly, letting go of his work week. He'd clocked well over a hundred hours. He'd skipped so many breaks that he'd feared at one point the nurses might find him collapsed in a hallway and he might be discovered. He'd seen three cases of child abuse, which always upset him, and had been unsuccessful in saving a three year old who had been hit by a car in his own driveway.
He couldn't take those things home with him; they would never leave if he did. He knew he had to let them all go. Rowan surrendered everything to Cris. He gave up his will, his desires, and with those, his fears and worries as well. Oh, he understood Ume. And here with Cris, he was safe, untroubled, and absolutely liberated.

With Rowan now in place across from Ume, Cris walked over to where his lover had left his clothes and took off his shirt and laid it on the pile. Putting a hand in the pocket of his jeans, he pulled out something and held it in his fist.
"Each pocket holds a little surprise for you." He stepped closer and opened his hand. "Let's start with this one."
Cris let Rowan see the double leather and metal rings in his hand before he closed the final distance between them. "I suppose its a good thing this snaps into place as you already seem to be quite hard..." He trailed the end of the leather cock and ball harness down the center of Rowan's chest very slowly, watching his lover's expression as it descended until it reached its intended destination.
Sliding the larger leather ring beneath Rowan's testicles, Cris gently eased them through the harness, adjusting the size and position until it fit snugly. He ran his hand along his lover's erection starting from the tip and moving along its length before opening the second ring and then cinching it down around the base of Rowan's shaft.
"Lovely" He walked around behind Rowan so Ume had a clear view. Looking over at her, he smiled. "Don't you think so?" She nodded her head vigorously, a blush forming on her checks as she took in all of Rowan's body in shy, quick glances.
"I agree." Cris stepped around to the side of his partner and ran the back of his hand down one of Rowan's raised arms and further down his exposed side, letting the back of his fingernails gently brush over the sensitive skin that was normally so well protected.
"I love touching him." He repeated the process on the other side before he walked full circle and was around behind his partner once more. Cris pressed himself against Rowan's back and wrapped his hands around his lover's body. He reached down and stroked both hands along the insides of Rowan's thighs. "I confess. I cannot get enough of him."
Sliding his hands up to his partner's hips, Cris gripped them gently as he bent forward and kissed and licked in light teasing strokes down the length of Rowan's spine. "It... was good...of I plan with him...until he is...completely...and utterly....exhausted."
Rowan's week had been especially terrible. Cris wished that he could have physically spent more time with his partner during all the trials that his partner's demanding job had thrown at him lately. The physical exhaustion was intense. Rowan drove himself harder than most soldiers that Cris had ever served with but it was the emotional stress that worried him. Rowan cared SO much about these children and had to see them hurt and abused every day. He helped them where he could but it was still hard to see the cruelty that people would visit upon an innocent child and not be tormented by it. And then there were the ones that Rowan could not save. He did not want those tiny souls haunting Rowan's dreams. His partner did his best every day for the children in his care but sometimes even the best was not enough.
He wanted to make Rowan forget about work for a while; he wanted him to let go. He would make the decisions. He would take responsibility for a while. He would be the rock and Rowan could lay his troubles down at his feet. His partner had to be strong and in control for all those in his care; Cris understood that. He could be strong for his lover now and he knew that later Rowan would be his anchor in return.
Cris ran his hands up his lover's chest until they reached Rowan's nipples. He pinched them gently and then a little harder, rubbing his thumbs over the tips of them. At the same time, Cris trailed his kisses over to Rowan's side. He brushed his lips tenderly over the warm skin before nipping it lightly.
"It is a good thing you have tomorrow to rest."
Kneeling on one knee, Cris smiled mischievously at Ume from behind one of Rowan's hips. She smiled back, feeling a little more confident. He could tell from her aura that she very clearly enjoyed watching. Ume was nearly as turned on as Rowan without being touched. Very interesting. She also felt safer when he talked to her as a co-conspirator in their play time; though he suspected that normally she would prefer to watch without being noticed, or at least the illusion of being ignored. Talking to her now though, let her know that she was a person to him and not an object.
Some people enjoyed being humiliated and treated as worthless in public but he refused to emotionally damage someone simply for the sake of pleasure. There was a line there that he wouldn't cross. It might be hard to understand to someone who had never been either a Dom or a sub; he was after all walking around a crowded place with the person he cared for most in the world on a leash. It was different though; Rowan enjoyed and wanted it. It did not mean that he did care for his partner; quite the contrary, he loved him and wanted everyone to know it.
Cris would not betray his lover, take up with someone in front of him without his consent, be verbally cruel to him, or disparage him in front of other people to humiliate him. Cris had seen all of those at one time or another and knew that there were subs out there who enjoyed the emotional drama that such acts of cruelty and betrayal caused. The high when the Dom took them back and said they were sorry for hurting them made it worth the low. Some people could not handle being in a steady stable loving relationship and had to find ways to keep it filled with tension and emotion. Such things usually died quickly, either violently, when the Dom crossed the wrong line or went too far over it, or quietly when the emotional roller coaster lost its surprise and thrill. It didn't matter; he stayed away from such people like they carried the plague. He would flog someone if they wanted it, tie them up, gag them, punish them and spank them if they liked but Cris refused to emotionally torture anyone for pleasure.
"Are you ready for the other surprise?" He kissed one well formed ass cheek before leaning forward and tilting his head enough to see Rowan's expression clearly.

He had spent enough time being purely selfish, motivated by his own desires. Rowan had finally grown out of it centuries ago and considered it his adolescence, in its way. He was just lucky to have had enough time to do so.
Cris approached him, bare-chested, and Rowan took in the sight of him with appreciative eyes. Fair skin played over hard, lean muscle marked with the scars of the past. Cris seemed so slight; unlike Rowan, who was larger and more muscular and showed it, Cris's strength was easy to miss at first. He was gorgeous, though, shaped by a life of soldiering and hardship, even his physical ability understated. Rowan loved that about him. It was so easy to assume any number of things about Cris at first glance, and he imagined the casual profiler would be wrong about most of them.
Rowan's gaze remained riveted on Cris as he revealed the surprise in his hand, and a slow smile drifted onto his lips. He caught his breath as Cris trailed the little device gently down his chest and stomach, sucking it in in a short gasp as he watched Cris's gentle, light fingers. This toy served multiple purposes. Rowan didn't need it for the physical, as Cris observed... but the emotional aspect was tantalizing. As those gentle hands closed each ring around him, Rowan let out his breath in a little sigh of pleasure. It was a form of possession. Of ownership, in a way. Rowan loved its symbolism so long as it was Cris who controlled it. It could mean nothing, otherwise. Not anymore. Rowan's heart had become spoiled; he found that while he was pleased to include Ume in their evening, he wanted to love none but Cris.
The brief exchange between Cris and Ume was nearly missed as Rowan was so narrowly focused on everything Cris did. Each teasing touch made him tense. The fingernails trailing along the sensitive skin of his arm and side elicited a shiver. Rowan looked up at Ume and did manage to smile reassuringly at her. He didn't mind her looking; it was all right. Rowan was not particularly voyeuristic himself but he did enjoy the flip side of it... he adored the attention. Having Ume's eyes upon them was erotic.
As Cris pressed up against him Rowan did, at last, utter a soft moan. He could have cried with joy at the feel of those strong arms around him, Cris's hands traveling gently down to his thighs, then back to his hips. The addition of his mouth and tongue down the line of his spine made him arch forward with a shudder, pressing his back against Cris. The promise of such prolonged pleasant torture only served to further heighten his anticipation. They had barely begun and already he wanted to wrap his arms around Cris himself, gather him close, kiss him in a million ways and make him feel the same sense of freedom and acceptance, love, arousal and comfort all at once.
Cris's hands traveled back up to his chest, played with his nipples, and Rowan hummed with pleasure as he felt his skin tighten in response. A low, husky laugh, hoarse with desire, escaped his lips at Cris's observation about his day off tomorrow. "What goes around comes around... sir," he murmured with an air of slight mischief. It hadn't been so long since he'd loved Cris into a state of unmovable exhaustion. Turnabout was fair play.
Rowan had closed his eyes when Cris had pressed up behind him. He opened them at Cris's words, at his soft kiss, looking down as Cris peered up at him from behind and to the side. He raised his eyebrows curiously. From Cris's position he could only venture a guess as to what his lover had in store. Surely whatever was in his other pocket couldn't be huge; he observed with no small amount of hunger that Cris's jeans weren't exactly the baggy cargo type.
"I'm always ready, sir," he smiled down at Cris. Whatever his partner had in mind would be good. Tonight wasn't about pain or embarrassment. Playing roles in the manner that they were didn't have to be; it was a very common misconception. A Dom wasn't necessarily cruel, and Rowan believed that Cris could never be that sort. This was purely about who made the decisions and who had control. Rowan was confident that as long as that person was Cris, nothing could ever go wrong. That trust showed in his face as he nodded, still smiling lovingly, at the man who knelt behind him.

The sounds that Rowan made each time he was touched were perfect. They were exactly what he wanted to hear; they were quiet and restrained for now but still there and he knew that they were a small delicious taste of the more expressive noises his partner was capable and willing to express when sufficiently motivated. The control that Rowan held onto now was the thing that pushed him to find more ways to tease and delight his lover; finding the right balance of foreplay that built up to an overwhelmingly power release was the ultimate goal.
"Yes, it certainly does." Cris regarded his partner with a look that promised to deliver that 'coming around' this very night. He would do so even if he had to exhaust himself in the process...oh, the sacrifices he was willing to make for his love.
"You know I could continue touching and tasting you as you are." He was tempted to prolong this experience; see how many shivers and moans he could get out of Rowan before his lover begged him for something more. Cris slid his hands over the front of his partner's thighs as he spoke to illustrate his point. "But we wouldn't want Ume to get lonely."
He leaned back to the hook that held the cord and gave it some slack before tying it again. Rowan could not pull his arms down all the way but he now had more maneuverability and could lean against the rope for support.
Standing once more, Cris brought out a small tube of lube and unwrapped the black tapered plug. This one as a section of rotating beads near the tip and a suction cup base. It was very versatile which was why he chose to bring this one. He held Rowan around the waist, with the same hand that held the toy so his lover could see it, and gently coated and massaged Rowan's opening with the other. Easing the toy slowly inside, Cris couldn't help but already want to take its place. He planted a soft kiss against his lover's back before setting the remote down and moving away.
Cris cleaned his hands with sterile wipes provided and then went back to the wall of toys. He selected what he wanted and cleaned them thoroughly with another wipe before walking over to Ume. Cris knelt down in front of her and pushed pieces of the chair apart, spreading her legs. He moved between her thighs and looked up into her pretty hazel green eyes.
"Ready?" His voice was gentle and he watched her aura closely. Ume nodded and then seemed to remember Rowan's words. "Yes, Sir." She looked down at the devices in his hand and nodded once more. "Yes....please." Cris leaned forward and circled one nipple with his lips. He sucked and teased, flicking it with the tip of his tongue until it was hard and erect in his mouth. Reaching up, Cris clamped on the little rubber tipped clamp with the dangling vibrator. He then repeated the process with the other nipple.
Standing back up, he went back to Rowan and released the rope, pulling it out of the cuffs. He picked up his lover's remote and then, with a gentle hand on Rowan's back, guided him toward Ume. Cris stopped in front of the chair and turned to sideways so he could address each one.
Placing a hand on Rowan's chest, he said. "I want you to kneel here and pleasure her until she comes." He gave the controls to the clamps to his partner. He turned to Ume and placed Rowan's remote in her hand. "I want you to make him come first."
Cris stepped out of the way and sat down in a nearby chair. Crossing his arms over his chest, he smiled. " I will then play with whoever has managed to control themselves and the other will only get to watch until we're done."

That love was partnered with strong desire which had receded momentarily while he'd considered Cris's sending but returned in full force immediately as things continued to heat up. Rowan nodded mutely, almost desperately, at Cris's speculation as his partner's hands slid over his thighs. His words reminded him of their guest tonight though, and Rowan lifted his head to see Ume's eyes fastened upon them both.
"No, sir," he agreed with Cris, although frankly Rowan had very nearly forgotten the human's presence. Shame on him... but Cris could be so very distracting.
Rowan felt his arms lower some and then Cris's arm wrapped around his wait and he could clearly see the toy his lover intended for him. He felt one corner of his mouth lift crookedly and then he gasped as Cris's fingers began their gentle teasing. Rowan closed his eyes and braced himself on the rope that still held his hands while Cris placed it carefully, wondering exactly what his lover's plan was.
He watched hungrily as Cris crossed the room to Ume and played with her, too. The girl was pretty, far more appealing now that she was definitely aroused and much less nervous. Rowan was attracted more by Cris's care and tenderness, though. His partner was so gentle, so wonderful. Ume's voice reflected her desire and her appreciation when she answered.
Cris's plan did, indeed, become clear when he released Rowan and brought him toward Ume. Rowan listened to Cris's voice, his lips turned up in a smile as he carefully knelt before Ume, mindful of the various toys he now wore.
So... a competition. Rowan looked up at Ume, smile still in place. She looked perhaps the tiniest bit apprehensive but desire was definitely the reigning emotion. He glanced at Cris. The prize.
There was nothing Rowan wouldn't do for such a prize.
He steeled himself as the first thing Ume did was flick the remote control. A wave of sensation as the little vibrator hit high gear nearly doubled him over. Rowan gasped, bracing one hand on the floor. The sensations ceased in a few seconds. He took a deep breath.
Control was something Rowan prided himself on. He lost it, frequently, with Cris. But this was different. He put himself in the right frame of mind, recalling Ume's nerves, his eyes traveling over the yellowing bruises upon her skin which he could see much more clearly now. That became his safety; those bruises filled him with anger and a desire to show her what pleasure should be.
Rowan glanced over at Cris once more, smiling softly, then up at Ume. Then he crawled forward, sliding his fingertips gently along the soft skin of her inner thighs. He left the little toys she wore alone for now, focusing on relaxing her and banishing any remaining nerves so that she was truly ready.
Slowly he touched her, first with his fingertips and then following with his lips as he kissed a soft line along one thigh and then the other. Leaning up a little but not breaking away from his kneeling position he did the same to her stomach, trailing over each hip as well. He listened to her breathing as it hitched here and there, shallow with arousal.
The little toy his lover had so kindly placed for him vibrated sporadically as Ume used it frequently. Rowan had to brace himself against the sensations and remind himself that a far greater pleasure awaited him if he could restrain himself. He suspected he had it easier; at least he could move, whereas Ume could not.
When he thought she was ready he let his fingers slide softly across the velvety folds of her cleft, watching her face carefully, not sure how deep the fear in her ran. Ume's lips parted and she whimpered softly but there was only desire there. He felt her tremble within her restraints, and evoked his own empathy to make sure. Perhaps it was cheating, as the engulfing flames helped cool his own desire, but Rowan was certain Cris would understand.
He felt Ume's emotions for a brief moment, which was all he needed. There was some residual fear, yes, but it was buried beneath a landslide of arousal, lust, and desire. There was some sadness as well, perhaps a reminder of what she'd previously experienced. She was all right though; he could proceed with a clear conscience although he knew Cris would have halted them if anything were wrong, too.
Rowan rested his cheek against Ume's thigh and rubbed it against her soft skin. He was sorry for her; sorry for the treatment she'd suffered. He placed a soft kiss upon her thigh once more as his fingers slipped gently into those warm, wet folds, stroking slowly rather than immediately seeking out her core. She began to move against him as he massaged, restricted by he chair, but clearly unable to stay still any more than Rowan could when she turned the little remote on again.
He had the greater motivation, though, he believed. Not only did he want to banish her fears but he had Cris to think of. And, given how Ume had reacted previously, he suspected she would enjoy watching Rowan and Cris play together. Rowan had no desire to sit on the sidelines while Ume reaped the rewards this round. He would readily admit to that.
With that in mind he gently kissed the hollow of Ume's thigh, sucking softly, letting his fingers play as he delved deeper, stroking her rhythmically as she fought, and failed, to remain still.

She thought of the punishment that Christian said was the result for failure with this particular task and had to admit that she did not find it very upsetting. In fact, she'd very much enjoy watching the two of them together. However, Ume loved to please and there was the quiet competitor that existed deep within her heart. She did not want to be seen lacking in front of her master for the night.
With that in mind, she hit the button on the remote, turning it up to high immediately. She had hoped that Rowan was close to coming already and that it would catch him off guard before he had steeled himself to resist. It did double him over but she could see the determination in his eyes when he looked back up at her.
He moved forward and began his own teasing, cautious at first but Ume could tell that he was very skilled at pleasing women. She might have hoped that he would have been less familiar with female anatomy and not know that a subtle touch was what was needed to quickly but steadily arouse; however, it was clear that he had been with enough to know their secrets. Soon Ume found herself rocking her hips and wanting more from his gentle fingers.
With a shuddering sigh, she stared at the ceiling and tried to hold out while pressing both controls in her hand; one pulsed the plug and the other set the beads into motion. Ume hoped that the added sensation would be enough.
Cris watched them both with avid interest and increasing arousal. Rowan was tender and cautious despite the potential outcome for losing. He watched his partner's light touch with love, longing and pride.
He kept an eye on Ume's aura as Rowan's teasing became more intimate and saw the last of the apprehension fade away and more desire take its place. Cris also smirked to himself about the strong willful streak of deep red transforming into yellow as it moved up her spine. Ume was going to make it difficult on his lover. He chuckled silently to himself; happy to see her becoming more comfortable with them.
Rowan's own aura took on a different look and he could see pain lace its way through his lover's normally beautiful colours starting from the brand on Rowan's shoulder and moving outward.
[Tsk tsk, Love. I am not sure that is an entirely fair advantage.] He knew that Rowan had used his empathy to dampen his desire in the past but he also knew that his kind hearted companion most likely wanted to know with absolute certainty that Ume welcomed his touch. The tone of his sending was amused, light, and not all reprimanding, despite the words. In fact, he whole heartedly approved and was relieved; had the situation been reversed then he would have used every method available to be the one winning even a small portion of Rowan's time.
Still, the poor girl was bound while Rowan was free to move, between that, the rings and being unable to stimulate Rowan directly, the cards were stacked high against Ume. Cris had been relying on the previous teasing and Rowan's heightened level of arousal to even things out. [I am happy that you are willing to fight so hard for me. I part of me in particular seems difficult to restrain.] Cris unzipped his pants and pushed the folds of the jeans out of the way. He revealed the very hard physical evidence of his arousal and began stroking himself in slow teasing strokes. [Good luck, Liebling.]

He saw - and felt - Ume's determination, however he still believed that not only was his motivation greater, but his control was as well. Rowan had played this game before. It was a mind game. The most important factor though, in Rowan's head, was the fact that while Cris had laid out the challenge, he hadn't expressly given permission for Rowan to come. And that was a key factor in tonight's role-playing. Rowan's was Cris's toy for the time being. Mentally, he would do everything he could to hold off until his lover told him to let go.
As he gently pushed Ume toward the pinnacle of release Rowan finally added in the little vibrating clamps, letting them sit at a low, pleasing setting. Boldness wouldn't get him what he wanted here. He teased her and played with her patiently, his fingers gentle in their quest, his mouth just brushing the sensitive areas of her inner thighs and the backs of her knees. He let his fangs graze over her skin but did not bite, limiting himself to sucking and licking softly. The combination of sensations was working; he could see her tipping her head back, trying to hold out.
He expected the wave of sensations from the other toy Cris had so kindly gifted him with; he got it. His fingers stalled momentarily and he damn near did bite down. As it was, he clamped his lips shut over a soft moan and took a few deep breaths through his nose.
Rowan glanced over at Cris at his partner's next words and sighed softly with desire as he saw Cris take himself in hand. Rowan stared for a long moment at the hard shaft Cris was caressing so very slowly.
He wanted to make a comment but he'd bent the boundaries of his role for the night several times already. He let his eyes speak for him, keeping them trained on Cris's motions as he bent to Ume once more with renewed determination. That was his prize. It had been promised to him, for his earlier performance, and he wanted to claim it.
Ume's hips were rocking gently against his hand. Rowan lowered his head, held her with his free hand, and very gently traced the tip of his tongue around her soft folds. He kept himself turned slightly so that Cris could continue to observe, but it didn't take long to achieve the desired result. Between those tiny licks, the relentless stroking of his fingertips, and the little clamps, Ume didn't have a chance. Rowan smiled against her as she came with a soft whimpering sound, her entire body flushing, trembling, and then relaxing into his hold.
Rowan waited a few seconds before pulling away, leaving one hand lightly, affectionately, on Ume's thigh. He was shaking, himself, slightly, from the effort of holding back. He took a few moments to master his own desires. He didn't want to win Cris's attentions just to come five seconds after they began like an over-eager teenager.
Still kneeling on the floor in front of Ume Rowan raised his eyes to Cris's once again and smiled softly, then bowed his head once more and waited. It was difficult not to cross the room of his own will and press himself into his lover's arms. With greatly restrained patience he awaited Cris's next direction, but his thoughts were focused on one thing alone and that was returning to Cris's embrace.