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A Morning Visit (attn: Evan)

Kiyoshi jogged quietly up the stairs outside the club which led to the upper floor where the administrative offices used to be when Terminus had actually been an airport. Kiyo knew they had been converted into a living area but he'd never been inside. This, though, was where he'd been offered a crash space if he needed one.

He hiked his sleeping bag up on his shoulder and debated. He could just lay out under the stars. He didn't really want to bother Evan. He'd had a nice time talking with Tavi but he couldn't completely explain what it was about the Pack housing that made him uncomfortable. He enjoyed Evan's company and didn't feel like he was constantly watching his back with the vampire.

Ironic, he knew.

Kiyo took a deep breath and knocked softly on the door. Then, realizing just how much space was inside, he swallowed and knocked again harder.

He sort of wanted to run away and hide before Evan opened the door but he didn't. He stood there and waited. Maybe Evan wouldn't have heard him... then he could say he'd tried. But he realized, as he tapped on the door once more, he actually wanted to talk to Evan.

Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
"Hmm" Evan replied to Kiyo saying they just met. "Well, I don't know if he would hide the bodies for you just yet but he seems to like you at the very least." He smiled. "You made a good impression and Dev could use more friends." The guy didn't seem to have many of them but he would do a lot for the ones he had. Evan remembered Dev getting into trouble a few years back for helping out a school friend who said he wanted to get back something that was his from another guy's house. Dev had spent a night or two in jail until the friend made it clear that Devian had simply driven him over there after being told that the guy was stopping by a friend's place to pick up something he had left and had absolutely no clue that he was not allowed to be there. Devian said he knew exactly why they had been there but that he had believed his friend and was willing to help him.

Evan watched as Kiyo quickly glanced away from him and back to the computer screen. He wasn't sure but it seemed that the werewolf was blushing a lot more lately. He was starting to get the impression that there was some interest in him on Kiyo's part. Perhaps he was imagining it because he had recently been thinking along those same lines. There was really only one good way to find out; Evan resolved to be at least somewhat subtle in his attempts to ascertain the truth.

Scooting his chair closer, he leaned one elbow on the arm of Kiyo's chair as he pointed to one of the abilities on the screen. "This is shadowmeld. Its a very useful ability that nightelves have that lets us become camouflaged. Unfortunately we have to stand still for it to work, but it still comes in handy from time to time.

"The caves you need for that quest are to the north." Evan smiled, still leaning close. "If it moves, kill it." How very un-druid of him. Evan reasoned that it seemed to be the fighter mentality and he was advising a warrior. Stealth wasn't really an option so, at this level, going in sword swinging was not only the best tactic but the only one.

"You know..." Evan said quietly. "You don't have to indulge me if you're tired or bored. I don't want to keep you up. Or we could watch a movie, if you prefer." He did understand that gaming wasn't for everyone. "If you like playing then go ahead. I enjoy watching but we can always come back to it."
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi rolled his eyes at Evan. "I don't know how," he said with blunt honesty. "Usually the only impressions I make are 'awkward' or, when I'm really on my game, 'pathetic and desperate.' I don't normally do good ones."

He shrugged. He was mostly used to his omega role. He didn't necessarily like it but he accepted that it wasn't going to change. He listened to Evan speak and wondered why everyone seemed to think Greer needed friends. What kind of secrets did he have? Everyone did; no one's life was completely easy.

"I'd be happy to be his friend, if I could be a good one," Kiyo said. Personally, he wasn't sure he could. He had been somewhat dazzled by Greer. His looks, his personality... it intimidated him a little. If he were going to be friends with the other man he would have to try not to be and that was difficult for Kiyo.

The same thing was true with Evan but it was a little different. Instead of feeling intimidated Kiyo was somewhat awed. Evan was someone he wished he could be more like... open, friendly, approachable, comfortable with himself and with everyone around him. Kiyo couldn't help being attracted to qualities like that. Wasn't everyone attracted to someone they admired?

His resolve to keep his little crush hidden was tested as Evan leaned close. Kiyo experienced a conflict of sensations. Pleasure at Evan's closeness was paired with the tension of attraction, making him squirm slightly. It had been kind of a while since he'd felt this way... he was shocked to experience it with a vampire. Was that wrong?

He tried to pay attention to what Evan was saying but he was a little distracted by his wandering train of thought. He turned his character north and then turned back to look at Evan, still leaning close, a smile upon his handsome face. He watched Evan as he spoke, trying to keep the color in his cheeks from rising again.

Kiyoshi returned Evan's smile tentatively.
"I like it," he said truthfully. "I think I would like playing with you more than playing by myself."

He tried his best to ignore the obvious double entendre there but it was difficult given Evan's nearness
. "I don't want to keep you up either. Maybe I can finish this one quest and we can watch a movie?"

He was tired, but he was enjoying spending time with Evan. If nothing else, the vampire was a friend and Kiyo had precious few of those. He would take all of the time Evan cared to share with him.
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Evan turned to Kiyo and looked at him seriously. "So which impression do you think you made on me?" He leaned even closer to the werewolf and spoke quietly. "You are too hard on yourself." Leaning back he still watched Kiyoshi. Something told him that just his opinion was not enough. "I like you. Dev seems to like you. Tavi likes you. I bet you haven't gone out and done anything social since we went to the beach. Am I right?" Evan knew he was right, or close enough, because they had to practically kick Kiyo out of the place to get him to take time off. "So...without being social you've still managed to make three friends, possibly four. Navid can be hard to read but I think he likes you. Grumbling is just part of his special charm."

Going back to Kiyo's other statement he said. "I think you'd be a good one." He wondered why Kiyoshi might believe otherwise. The poor guy seemed determined to have a horrible opinion of himself; Evan what kind of upbringing caused that. He knew the answer was 'not a good one'. "I don't think Dev needs someone to fight his battles for him or anything but maybe someone to listen and not judge. You don't talk much and I haven't see you be very judgmental. So, you're perfect."

He couldn't help but notice the squirm. It wasn't a smoking gun or anything or more appropriately a declaration of undying love but it was something that lead him to believe his hunch might be correct. Evan nodded in response to Kiyo saying he liked playing but it would be more fun if they both were. He looked back at the game.

"Yes, its more fun playing 'with' someone." He smiled and then added innocently. "playing with yourself just gets so...predictable." Grinning, Evan looked over at Kiyo's toon. "I can make a little nightelf priest and call her, Evanka. Pretty, bubbly and innocent and in need of protecting by her muscular sword wielding girlfriend. Then I have a legitimate reason to be watching your ass." Evan pointed toward the floor at the club below. "We have some game cards for sale in the computer gaming area. We can get you an account made tomorrow if you like."

Evan nodded to Kiyo about finishing the quest. He sat drinking his water and watching. "So what kind of movies do you like?"
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyo didn't get a chance to answer Evan's question since his friend continued to talk immediately after it. Kiyo sat instead, staring in surprise at Evan's blunt words as he flushed yet again. He shook his head in a negative at the next question, feeling ashamed. He had not done anything particularly social. Social was not his forte. He was social at work because his occupation required it but by himself he avoided his Pack and tried to stay out of the way.

As he was deemed a perfect friend for Greer Kiyo tugged the blanket around his shoulders tighter yet.
"I would try to be," he said honestly, his voice cracking a little with nerves and tension. He wasn't used to being pinned down like this, by a gaze that was rock-hard and steady as Evan's. He wasn't being unkind, just forthright.

Kiyoshi shook his head with a sigh.
"I'm not used to this," he said. "Honestly I just keep wondering when I'll do something to screw it all up. Maybe coming to Nachton was the best thing I ever did."

He shrugged helplessly. Screwing up was sort of what he did. It just happened without his ever meaning it to. He was sure he was to blame for that; sometimes 'flight' took over and 'fight' went out the window. He knew he'd left decent situations before at the first sign of trouble, afraid to face his own difficulties. He wasn't proud of that. A better wolf would have remained to fight.

He was already red-faced from Evan's observations; the return to the lightly flirtatious banter only made it worse. He did, however, manage to raise an eyebrow at Evan.
"You were looking for one?"

What, he wondered, was an illegitimate reason to look at his ass? And was Evan actually flirting at this point? Kiyo was so rusty he wasn't entirely sure. He wasn't even sure if he'd ever been in practice to begin with. Hell of a time to try and figure it out, when someone way out of his league was showing some kind of interest in him - and Kiyo had no doubt that Evan was out of his league.

He was relieved that the topic moved away from him a little bit. Kiyo nodded at Evan's suggestion.
"I'd like to play... with you," he finished, once again aware of the innuendo they'd turned toward but unable to avoid it. Then he blinked. "I just don't have a computer," he said, lifting his shoulders.

He wasn't rolling in cash but he wasn't exactly poor, especially now that he was finally getting a regular paycheck again. Kiyo could probably buy himself a laptop. A computer seemed a little too - permanent. It was a step he wasn't quite ready to take, in case he jinxed himself.

Sitting back in Evan's computer chair Kiyo stretched and stifled a yawn. He was tired but he liked being here with Evan even if the conversation wasn't always comfortable. Evan was easy to talk to despite the awkward topic of conversation.

Running his character into the cave for his quest he slaughtered little green spiders with what he hoped was ruthless newbie efficiency while he answered Evan's question.
"Almost anything," he said. "As long as it's well-made. Maybe not horror movies so much... the blood and gore ones. I don't mind suspense but, well, I do get freaked out kind of easily."

He smiled a little sheepishly and shrugged at Evan. Kiyo would watch suspense movies but the really good ones would have him climbing the walls in a heartbeat.
"What about you?"

He had to admit, he was curious about what kind of movies a vampire would like. Did they enjoy vampire movies?
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Evan smiled and agreed with Kiyoshi. "Maybe it was." He would have sighed in exasperation at the further insistence that somehow the man was going to screw up the new relationships that he had made but that would probably make Kiyo feel worse. There was obviously a lifetime of negative treatment that made the werewolf feel that he was so unworthy and incapable of good friendships. It just brought out Evan's stubborn determination to prove, little by little if necessary, that the bartender was wrong about himself.

Kiyo's almost cheeky remark after such self-conscious behavior, caught him by surprise. Evan looked at his companion and grinned. "Perhaps." His eyes roamed briefly over Kiyoshi himself and not his character. "Though I personally think that the reason would be obvious." Kiyo was not a big man but he did have very active hobbies which had definitely made him worth watching, even without the flaming poi. He was lithe and graceful, at least when he was not thinking too hard about his movements. Evan wondered if the werewolf knew how sexy he was while he tended bar, moving with an efficiency and ease that was bewitching.

Smiling at Kiyo's words, both meanings of them, Evan shrugged. "Well then you've come to the right place. Welcome to Crazy Ahkan's House of Used Hardware." He got up and set his glass down on the computer desk. Walking over to the closet, he opened the doors and walked inside.

He listened to the sound of squishing spiders and Kiyo's opinion on movies while he looked for what he wanted. "I am not fond of most westerns. I lived through the 'magnificent' wild west and hate to see it glorified and romanticized on film. I love sci-fi and fantasy. It is interesting to see the remnants of a nature conscious people still in the bits of story and history of Europeans. I hope that they will some day reconcile their love of technology and 'progress' with a respect and wonder that everything around them deserves." Evan realized that he was quickly working up to a philosophical rant and steered his thoughts back to the question. "I love comedies too. I do not see the point of horror films." He chose not to go into the discussion he could have about them. "CGI films are fascinating. Oh, I have Avatar and haven't seen it. The reviews were good but the story seemed like "Dances with Aliens" to me."

Focusing on his task once more, Evan went to back of the space. Only a small portion of his ample closet was actually taken up with clothes. The rest of it housed his collection of things, neatly labeled with hand drawn simplistic pictures that meant something to him and no other. He opened a drawer and pondered the electronics within before finally settling on one.

Evan brought it back to the desk and sat it in his lap. "I am happy to give this to you." He spread his fingers lovingly over the shiny casing. "It is much better to see it used than sitting in a drawer gathering dust while waiting and becoming out of date while it waits for me to find it a purpose." He held the laptop out to Kiyo. "But if you are uncomfortable with that then take it as a loan."
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyo nodded at Evan. He was starting to think that, more and more, maybe he could stay here for a while. He was so tired of constantly moving. In some ways he enjoyed it, but it had been a very long time since he'd had a family. A real one, that accepted your flaws and oddities and still thought you were worth hanging out with.

His bold question was answered and Kiyo got the impression that Evan was not messing with him this time. He flushed under that dark gaze, feeling naked in spite of being fully clothed and swaddled in a blanket. This time it was less embarrassment and more desire. Could Evan really want him that way? He wasn't the type Kiyoshi usually attracted. He was... well, probably too good to be true. Kiyo had mixed feelings on the topic of sexuality; he didn't understand his own appeal really. He was lean, angular, athletic. If he weren't a werewolf he'd have been scrawny. What was there to be attracted to? But if someone like Evan wanted him... even for a night... would he refuse?

Kiyo let himself daydream for a few moments. It would make trouble for him at work, probably. Maybe. He was probably reading way too far into it. The daydream was nice though, and persisted while his self-proclaimed 'crazy' friend got up and went to his closet while Kiyo blundered into spiders, distracted by a hopeless daydream that was making certain things kind of uncomfortable in his current position. He sure wasn't putting this damn blanket down anytime soon.

It was good to distract himself with talk of movies. Kiyoshi nodded at Evan's view of westerns.

"Well... if you think about it, the typical western is just a fantasy, isn't it."

He hadn't studied the old west extensively; Kiyo wasn't American and the history of the nation was still a little muddled for him. He knew the stereotypes though. Maybe he should look into the truth of the matter. He was a little surprised to hear Evan's vehemence on the next topic and recognized the hallmark of a derailed rant when Evan seemed to reboot himself and steer back to movies. Interesting, Kiyo thought. Maybe another night they could explore the direction Evan had been about to go in... although Kiyo suspected he might not be able to keep up with Evan. He wasn't the best and the brightest by any stretch and sometimes conversations like that got a little bit above him.

He turned to Evan when he said he liked CGI.
"Oh, I think so too. And it was Dances With Aliens," he confirmed, having seen the film himself, "but it was well done Dances With Aliens. CGI eye candy, if you don't mind that the plot wasn't the most original."

Kiyo had loved Avatar, particularly the flying scenes. He loved to fly. It was his favorite part of traveling to compete in flairtending competitions.
"The flying parts were great. Uh... well, I guess to you they might not be so much. But you know... again with the flying wolves. As in, we don't. So I enjoyed it."

He looked at Evan when his friend sat down again, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw what Evan held.
"Really?" he said, forgetting about the game he played for a moment.

He took the laptop from Evan and brushed his fingers over it. Who had laptops sitting in closets that they just loaned out, anyway?
"But don't you want it? You could use it yourself or you could sell it." He blinked back up at Evan. "Oh, I can buy it from you maybe?"

Expensive presents didn't happen to Kiyo. And, in a way, he didn't want the computer as a gift. He was still clinging to his daydream. It wouldn't feel right, to take a present and then make moony eyes at Evan. He didn't want Evan to think he was interested just because Evan was some kind of... of... sugar daddy. Vampire. Gah.

"I can't," he said, thrusting the laptop back at Evan. "Not unless you let me give you something for it. Or I could just use it when I'm... here... visiting."

He clarified that last bit; he had not been invited to return. He hadn't even really been invited to come over tonight in the first place. Kiyo might be a lot of things, but he wasn't a freeloader. He watched Evan with an earnest expression, knowing his friend couldn't understand all the motives involved... but surely he'd understand Kiyo did have some pride. Somewhere.
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Kiyoshi confirmed that the movie had the plot that he had expected. Big bad materialistic world and one lone white guy who sees the error of his people's ways so he sides with the natives and helps them find victory of the bad men. He was not sure he liked that much better than being the 'ruthless savage' in the westerns. It was insulting; at least as the savage they were a people to be feared, if not respected, but in this kinder gentler version, the white man comes to save the day and teach the poor helpless locals how to save themselves. They would be doomed without him; all hail the savior of the people.

Perhaps what galled him the most about such a story was the fact that there was a grain of truth to it.

He returned his attention to the other things Kiyo had to say about the film. "Flying parts?" Evan smiled. "That might make it worth watching." He was reminded that Kiyo had expressed an interest in flying. They should do that some time soon. It might be a good way to force the werewolf to take a day off.

Evan sighed as Kiyoshi expressed disbelief in his offer. "I don't need it. I have many." He gestured at his computer desktop and the shiny smaller laptop sitting closed on another portion of the desk. "It is a good machine and it will run WoW. I have just upgraded but..." He shrugged. "I sometimes sell them if I think I will not find a use or a home for them but I prefer giving them away. Its like recycling, very green of me."

He could almost see the thoughts going through Kiyoshi's mind before the laptop was pushed back into his lap. Evan narrowed his eyes slightly and watched Kiyo thoughtfully.

"You wish to barter?" Obviously the man didn't know who he was dealing with.

"Alright." Evan leaned forward with one arm draped over the laptop. "If you won't take it as a gift. I will give it to you for the price of three kisses." He smiled mischievously. "And I don't mean on the cheek." He waited serenely Kiyo's response or counter offer if there was to be one. Personally, Evan hoped he'd get the kisses.
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi shrugged at Evan. "It was worth seeing... just don't look for original plot ideas. Even the 'precious metal' they want from the alien planet is called 'Unobtainium.' Talk about your lack of creativity."

He he did note that Evan had several computers handy. Kiyoshi thought Evan's offer had been made out of kindness but even he, a little omega wolf, had some pride. It might not show itself often but it was there. When Evan put it that way though, like recycling, Kiyo had to admit he had a good point. He might have reconsidered except Evan asked him a question that made him pause.

The way Evan was looking at him made him shiver. It was a good shiver, he thought, but Kiyo had seen predators before... and been one... and he wondered if this was how prey felt. He swallowed as Evan leaned over the laptop, but he raised his eyebrows to see what happened next.

What happened next was an offer... or a joke? Kiyo didn't know which was the case. His first instinct was to get offended. Kiyo had been in some less than ideal situations over the years but his body and affections had never been for sale, even in his most desperate times.

However, as he opened his mouth to say exactly that he caught himself. Evan's gaze wasn't malicious. Nor was it sly, or crafty, or any number of descriptive terms Kiyo might have used to describe a person trying to take advantage of someone. Instead Evan looked... amused. Impish. Kiyo realized with a sudden light bulb of comprehension that Evan wasn't trying to take advantage of him. He was teasing. The friendly kind of teasing that Kiyo had almost never experienced.

He relaxed back into the desk chair.
"A barter," he said softly. "An exchange of goods or services rendered considered equal by both parties."

Kiyo was nervous; he didn't flirt well. But he was curious to know if Evan was really interested.
"So, you think my affections are goods to be bartered for?"

He tried to school his features into a similar expression of mischief but it was hard; Kiyo didn't usually tease. He might just look retarded.

"What do I get for more than three?"
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
"Your affections, no. I believe those should be given freely." Evan said seriously. "To whomever you deem worthy."

He smiled then and said. "But a kiss, or in this case three of them, is hardly the same. After all people kiss their grandparents, people kiss in greeting..." Of course he had made it pretty clear that he was not talking about those. "And most cultures have some children's game that involves kissing on dares or by lottery or simply to say they've done it."

Cracking a smile when Kiyoshi asked coyly what he would get for more than three, Evan hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I don't know. What would you like in return?" He looked down at himself and then back up at Kiyo silently suggesting that similar payment was certainly an option on the table.

This was something he was very interested in hearing. He did not make a counter offer in the hopes that Kiyo might tell him what he would like. Evan could say something innocent like he'd had a nice gaming mouse or perhaps a chill pad or he could continue with the innuendo. Instead though, he would rather let the werewolf decide where he would like to take the conversation. There was always the possibility that Kiyo would ask something similar of him or he still had the option of coming up with a completely normal arrangement. Whichever his companion chose Evan would likely take it. He'd still prefer the kisses but perhaps those could be acquired in the future.
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi listened to Evan's logic. He had expected the first answer; from what he'd learned of Evan so far he didn't think he was the type to take advantage. Nor was he the type who had to bargain with anyone for attention. Evan was gorgeous. He probably had sex thrown at him left and right. Therefore, Kiyo reasoned, Evan was either still playing, or he was seriously flirting.

Either way it had been long enough for Kiyo that he was willing to take the bait. He admitted to himself, too, that he was curious. How many people got to kiss a vampire over the course of their lives, and not get eaten for it? Would Evan feel like another person? He felt a little guilty for wondering those things but who wouldn't, under the circumstances? It wasn't as if that was his only motivation. Evan's personality made him attractive.

When asked what he wanted in return Kiyo drew a blank. What did he want? The things that were closest to his heart, Evan probably couldn't provide. Kiyo wasn't so good at this game as to have a ready answer for his friend. He wasn't motivated by material things; he could take or leave the laptop but he was the one who'd suggested payment when Evan would have just given it to him, so how could he argue if Evan requested an alternate form of payment?

Kiyo wished he'd had the chance to offer something like a kiss freely, without couching it as a trade, but he supposed he was free to make a different offer. Only, what could he give? Not much. Kiyo didn't have any skills that he thought Evan was likely to find interesting or useful. Those he did have already belonged to him, or more accurately, to Terminus.

"Nothing," he said, answering Evan's question. "Not immediately. What if you don't like what I have to offer?"

It was true; Evan might not enjoy kissing Kiyo.
"The barter is that," he tapped the top of the laptop, "for three. We can negotiate another trade after... if you want."

He didn't make a move toward Evan though. Kiyo was not the initiator in these situations. He wasn't sure how to proceed, or if Evan wanted him to right now. he watched his friend curiously.
"Fair enough?"
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Evan arched an eyebrow at Kiyo's response. Nothing? His companion then said that he might not like what Kiyo had to offer; somehow Evan doubted that very seriously. He shrugged slightly to say it was possible. In his lifetime he had come across some bad kisses and, in this case, he had requested them from someone who might not be as willing to give them as he first suspected. Lack of true interest would probably make for a mediocre kiss.

He chuckled softly as his initial offer was taken and nodded his head. It wouldn't do to tell Kiyo that he would have settled for one, or none if the werewolf preferred, but had suggested three in the expectation that he would have been talked down. Aim high, you never know.

"Its a deal then." He said and thought it best to forgo the spit in the palm handshake, all things considered.

Kiyo, after making the deal didn't move to settle it. Evan was not exactly surprised; his friend did not seem the type to be overly assertive. He was the one who struck the bargain and, knowing that he was the man's boss, Evan thought he could understand if Kiyo was a little hesitant to be the initiator.

Setting the laptop down on the desk next to him, Evan shrugged his blanket of his shoulders before getting out of his seat. He leaned over and swiveled the desk chair toward him and then knelt on the floor. Evan gently pushed one of Kiyo's knees aside and moved closer, settling himself between the werewolf's legs. He placed one hand on Kiyo's thigh and reached up the other, sliding it beneath the curtain of long hair and around behind his companion's neck; with it he pulled Kiyo close and kissed him. It was slow and tender but not timid, once he had committed to the action Evan did not hold back. He only wanted to make sure the Kiyoshi truly wanted to be kissed; if it seemed that this was not what his companion wanted then he would end the bargain here and suggest they strike a new one.
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi exhaled slowly as Evan agreed to the 'deal' they'd made. He wondered if Evan could tell how badly Kiyo wanted to be kissed. It wasn't just the fact that he hadn't been affectionate with anyone in a while; it was that it was Evan. Kiyo thought this bargain was worth three kisses. If that was where it stopped and nothing more came of it, he would probably consider himself lucky to have had those.

Evan placed the laptop aside and Kiyoshi immediately forgot about it. He kept his eyes locked on Evan as the vampire shrugged off his blanket and slid to the floor in front of the desk chair Kiyo occupied. Evan came close and Kiyo's next breath caught in his throat. The hand upon his leg was warm; he could feel it through his clothing.

Kiyoshi couldn't suppress a shiver of anticipation and nerves as Evan's lips descended upon his, warm and gentle but firm. Kiyoshi let instinct take over, and his natural instinct was to yield. Therefore he did so, leaning in to Evan's kiss and returning it softly.

He reached out, his hands still clutching the blanket Evan had loaned him, and wrapped it around Evan, too, as he took his shoulders. Then, realizing he couldn't do this halfway if he was going to uphold his end of the bargain, Kiyo slid his arms all the way around Evan's neck. Was he being too bold? He wasn't sure how far to go; how much of this was Evan's playful nature and how much was desire on his friend's and boss's part.

In the interest of keeping their deal, however, and he admitted to himself, because guys like Evan simply did not kiss him every day, Kiyoshi put everything he had into that kiss. He pulled away briefly to nibble gently on Evan's lower lip before returning to kissing him, parting his own lips and flicking his tongue against Evan's mouth in invitation. Even as he did his heart pounded a million miles a minute, threatening to explode under the dual pressures of desire and anxiety.
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
A part of him worried that he had made a mistake. This certainly wasn't the wisest thing he had ever done. If Kiyoshi wasn't interested in him and he bargained for such a personal thing then it would most likely be awkward later when they worked together. He hoped the werewolf didn't think he made advances on all his employees. It was just... there was something about Kiyo. A large part of him wanted to protect the young werewolf; another part wanted to show him the love and affection that seemed to be missing in his life and a final part wanted to throw him down on the bed and make love to him until they were both too exhausted to move.

There was something different about the man in front of him; Evan saw a hidden strength that he was not even sure Kiyo realized was there. In fact, he was fairly certain Kiyo was the one least aware of it. He had little interest in the weak but while Kiyo might be hesitant or shy at times Evan didn't think he was weak. Strength and endurance were hinted at in the things Kiyo said and did; it was like the story hidden in the pieces of wood that he carved. It was there and with some love and attention it could become something more people saw, maybe even then man himself. Evan knew though that if he could see it then others must have in the past as well. The eagerness to please and that hint of something more was powerfully attractive to more predators than just him. Was that why Kiyo was so shy? Was that why he had never seen the man accept any of the offers he had received from either sex while at the bar? Maybe it had not been his family after all; though Evan was still inclined to lay blame with them or whoever raised him afterward. Surely someone did.

Evan forgot his musings and hummed quiet encouragement as Kiyo slid his arms around his neck and took a bit of initiative. It seemed to be, Evan thought as his lip was gently tugged and toyed with, evidence enough that his companion was interested. Either that or Kiyo was just one hell of a kisser.

Parting his lips at the gentle teasing touch of Kiyoshi's tongue, Evan leaned closer. The hand that had been on his companion's leg wrapped itself around Kiyo's waist pulling the man forward in the seat flush against his chest. Whatever lingering doubt he might have had quickly vanished with the feel of Kiyo's warm erection pressed so tantalizingly close. Evan moaned softly and deepened the kiss, exploring Kiyo's mouth gently with his tongue, tasting and exploring the lips that moved so well against his own.

He was a bit breathless when he pulled back and looked at his friend.

"Was that one?"
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi's heart withstood the pounding for now, and he was happy for it. It would really suck to fall over dead in the middle of what might just be the hottest kiss of his life. Though, it would sure be a decent way to go, all things considered.

He suffered a tiny bit of anxiety as he was pulled closer but it faded at the noise Evan made right after. The soft moan was encouraging,and Kiyo figured if Evan was enjoying this method of payment then Kiyo, while rusty, must not be doing too terribly. Kiyo made a soft little sound of his own, something sort of needful and urgent. He had not been held close like this in ages. Not by someone who he really wanted to be held by, really. He wanted to pretend even just for a minute or two that this was normal and routine, that embraces like this happened every day. He blushed, however, at the realization that as he was now pressed against Evan certain things were pretty obvious. That could be awfully awkward if Evan were just playing games.

Kiyo began to question that too, however, at Evan's somewhat out of breath voice. Was it possible that Evan was affected as well? Kiyo didn't pull away from the arms that held him.

He regarded Evan solemnly. His friend had pulled away, not Kiyo.
"I hadn't thought we were finished with one," he said, his voice audibly shaky and hoarse. "Though I suppose it's up to you to determine when the payment is enough."

Kiyo couldn't remember the last time he'd wanted so badly to be in debt. Evan could make him pay for hours at this rate. Maybe days. Who knew when he was going to get this chance again?

He smoothed his hands, also shaky, over Evan's shoulders. The vampire was tucked between his legs; Kiyo squeezed with them, pressing himself tighter. Taking a deep breath, still afraid of the inevitable rejection, he lowered his head and bit gently at Evan's shoulder, then up his neck, the line of his jaw, and back to his lips. He wantonly kissed Evan again, not finished tasting him, still learning his scent. Desire and submission warred within him, creating a curious mix of halting touches and sudden forward caresses as he grew bolder when Evan didn't tell him to stop.
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Evan grinned at Kiyo's answer. "Fair enough, I suppose." He settled both his hands on his companion's hips and moved himself a little closer. "Though you are more than welcome to kiss me more than three times...just because you want to."

A soft gasp escaped him as Kiyo leaned down and gently bit his shoulder. Evan felt his eyes drift closed as the werewolf continued the caresses up his neck and jaw. When Kiyoshi reached his mouth once more Evan returned the kiss with eager fervor. His hands found their way lower, sliding beneath Kiyo's ass, pulling his companion more firmly against his chest.

After a long moment of lustful exploration, Evan became aware that the cement flooring, though covered with softer materials, was not made to be knelt on. He pressed his hands more firmly beneath Kiyo and lifted his friend with him when he stood. He knew his room well enough to back toward the bed in small steps without pulling away from his companion. When the back of his legs touched the bed, Evan sat down with Kiyo in his lap.

His hands were once more free to explore and Evan snaked them Kiyo's clothing and up his back. The feel of warm skin was seductive and he longed to feel the rest of it against his own.

A nagging part of his brain told him that he should have patience. With a tiny little sigh of regret Evan pulled away enough to speak. He removed his hands from beneath Kiyo's shirt and wrapped his arms tenderly around his companion.

"Not today." Evan managed to make himself say; speaking was rarely so difficult. "I want to." He glanced down at Kiyo in his lap resting on the evidence of just how much he wanted to. "I just want you to be sleep on it and be sure." He smiled and brushed a thumb gently over Kiyoshi's jaw. "I don't...I've never..." He sighed and finally blurted out the rest of what he was trying to say; though he found it somewhat embarrassing to explain. "I do not usually come on to people who work for me. I promise. I don't want you to think that." Evan looked earnestly at Kiyo, hoping the werewolf could see the honesty in his eyes. "I know I want you but I don't want you to worry about your job or to think this is necessary or if you don't want to go any further that I will be angry..." Now he was rambling. "I just want you to be sure. Okay? So let's watch 'Dances with Aliens' for now and when we wake up you can tell me what you've decided. I would be good with any choice you make."

He pressed Kiyo tighter to him in a hug and then whispered softly in his companion's ear. "I can't promise not to try and steal a few more of those kisses though."
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Holy shit, was the thought foremost on Kiyo's mind as one kiss turned into a mutual heavy petting session that was unexpected and unbelievably arousing. As he was lifted and carried backwards Kiyo slid down slightly before gripping once again with his legs. He settled onto Evan's lap with a gasp as he realized the arousal was completely mutual. So much for being played with... if Evan had begun by teasing him that was most certainly not the case now.

Kiyo knew from experience that he wasn't going to be the one to stop this avalanche. The will to resist wasn't there, not when he continually looked for acceptance and sought it in places he knew he wouldn't find it. Evan was dangerous to him. Not only was he his boss, but he genuinely liked him. God... if he went too far, it could get awkward and strange. But he didn't want to stop.

Evan stopped it for him, his voice sounding strained. Did he feel it too? Kiyo stared at him, wide-eyed, panting softly, clutching at Evan's shoulders. He jumped as Evan's thumb brushed his jaw, feeling a wave of something so pleasurable it was almost painful, a glimpse at what he so badly wanted. He choked back a desperate sob as Evan said words that were rational, logical, totally sensible, and at the same time undesirable.

"I don't... think of you like that," Kiyo finally stammered, shamed to have thought exactly some of those things not a few minutes prior. Truthfully he didn't believe it of Evan. Evan was a caring person, not a person who enjoyed taking advantage of others. All the people who worked for them, who spoke to Kiyoshi, told him they enjoyed working with Evan. He agreed.

He just nodded mutely, feeling wrung out, when Evan suggested they watch the movie and sleep on it. How he was supposed to sleep when he was this worked up, Kiyo didn't know. He wanted a drink. He wanted several. He was thrilled at what had just happened, terrified it was a dream, afraid of the consequences.

He was a werewolf, for fuck's sake. How would his Pack feel about this? Back in Brazil... he shivered slightly. This kind of thing, he wouldn't have to wonder about. Luis would have killed him. Kiyoshi didn't care. Evan was his favorite person here in Nachton. Granted it had only been a short time but what did that matter? This was different from being picked up at a bar by some random thug, or worse, accosted by someone he was supposed to be able to trust.

Evan actually cared about his opinion.

Kiyo fell against Evan when he was embraced, clinging desperately. He felt his face grow red once more.
"You can't steal them if they're given," he mumbled. "Let's turn the movie on. I'll try to be good."

Mostly, he thought.
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Evan waited for Kiyo's reaction to his less than spectacular speech. He smiled a little when his companion said that he did not think of him as someone who would take advantage of his employees as a matter of habit but he watched Kiyo a bit longer just to make sure that the words were sincere and not just said because they were what he wanted to hear.

He felt a little shiver run through his companion and wondered what had provoked it. As much as he wanted to, Evan didn't ask; he only hoped it was good. Kiyo nodded his agreement though he did not appear too pleased about it which was something of a relief. Evan would have felt bad had the werewolf looked even the slightest bit happy to have stopped.

Kiyoshi clung tightly to him and promised to try to be good. Evan wanted to say that being this irresistible was a bad start; instead he held his companion tighter, stroking his back gently. He nuzzled Kiyo's neck, unwilling to get up and go get the movie.

Finally, with a heavy sigh, he slid out from beneath the slight werewolf and went into the other room and found the movie that they were going to try and watch. Evan brought it back into the room, thinking it for the best that they watch it on his bedroom television instead of having Guillaume walk out into the common area and find them snuggled up on the sofa, at least not until Kiyo had a chance to make up his mind. Not only was that potentially awkward for Kiyo and Guillaume as employee and employer but Evan guessed there might be some weirdness between them as pack mates. He wasn't sure but the chilly reception that he normally received from most of the wolves suggested that vampires weren't held in high regard and he doubted fooling around with one would be well received by most of Kiyo's kind. Guillaume seemed to like him just fine but that was before he was thinking of dating one of the R'asa.

Placing the dvd into the player, Evan crawled back onto the bed. He stacked the pillows onto it into something comfortable before leaning against them. He then reached out his arms to Kiyo, beckoning his friend with his fingers.
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi waited until Evan had left. Quickly he retrieved his sleeping bag, unrolling it hurriedly. He had several of his things rolled into it; clothes and items he wanted with him. He removed them from the sleeping bag and rolled them all up together with the clothing on the outside. He stood there in the middle of Evan's room feeling bewildered and slightly overwhelmed.

When Evan returned he followed him with his eyes, waiting for some cue as to where to go. Evan made it perfectly clear when he arranged his pillows, laid down upon them, and indicated that Kiyo should join him.

Kiyo hesitated a moment. He wanted to go to Evan. He wanted to feel arms wrapped around him and recapture that security to hold with him. Why was he not there already? Because it seemed like too good a thing. He repeated it to himself once again... people like him just didn't get the guy like Evan.

But he could enjoy it while he had it.

Kiyo rushed forward and piled the blankets on the bed, adding his sleeping bag on top of them. He never got warm. He'd sleep in a sauna if he could. Burrowing into the blankets he rolled so his back was against Evan's chest and then relaxed, bit by bit, very gingerly, into Evan's arms. He was ready to move as soon as Evan asked him to, for in Kiyo's mind that was a foregone conclusion. In the meantime he did his best to curl up and pay attention to the movie.

It was tough; Evan's body was warm, still aroused, and it made it hard to relax. Kiyo was in a similar state. He tried to watch the opening of the movie but he couldn't ignore the fact that Evan's obvious erection was pressed pretty firmly against his ass.

He'd promised to try and be good; Kiyo held to his promise but he could feel the strain of trying to do so. He wanted to turn around, face away from the movie, and continue where they had left off.
Evan Talkingwater 13 years ago
Kiyo appeared to have every blanket Evan owned and then a few piled on top of him. He couldn't help but smile at the mound of covers. He wrapped his arms around his companion's waist and leaned close.

"Do you think I'd let you get cold?"

Evan leaned back, pulling one leg close to his chest so that he could move it behind Kiyo and around to the other side. He scooted over a little bit, edging under the pile of blankets that Kiyoshi held up for him and centering his companion between his long legs. He pulled Kiyo tight against his chest and held him close, unapologetic for the raging hard on that was still clearly evident. It would do the werewolf good to know that he found him so attractive.

"I do like the blue." He mentioned when the aliens made an appearance. "Very pretty."

He laughed when Neytiri called Sully a child and tried to send him away. She should have left it at that but, no, he already knew that she was going to eventually fall for the guy. It'd be a short movie if she didn't. Going back to his earlier observation, Evan leaned down and spoke quietly next to Kiyo's ear.

"You would look good blue and naked." Tugging gently on the back of Kiyo's hair, he teased. "And look you've already got the hair for it." Of course his own hair was longer still, so there was not much he could say. Evan twirled a strand of Kiyo's hair between his fingers for a few minutes before letting it go and once more settling both arms around his companion.

"So, are you willing to dress up as a semi-naked blue alien for Halloween?" He loved the modern holiday and couldn't wait to celebrate it at Terminus this year with a weekend event. The Na'vi, especially with some black light make up would look great in the club. He could rock a tail for a good cause; and, in this case, looking cool was a good cause.
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyo slipped his arms under the blankets, letting them rest on top of Evan's, which held him trapped against him. When Evan asked if he thought he'd let him get cold Kiyo looked up and turned a little. He shook his head, 'no,' and shifted back against Evan, working on the whole 'relaxing' thing. The vampire was warm, very warm, like a heater beneath the stack of blankets. Kiyo loved it.

"They did a nice job with the makeup," he agreed with Evan. The words felt thick and uneasy on his lips; he was distracted and it showed. It was a good thing he'd already seen this movie otherwise he'd have no clue what was going on. he shifted restlessly against Evan, trying to hold still but having trouble doing so. He was still feeling somewhat surprised at Evan's clear attraction to him. It made it difficult not to move against the warm hardness at his back. He said he'd be good though.

The blood returned to Kiyoshi's face as Evan voiced his opinion about how Kiyo would look as a Na'vi. He grew red yet again but he didn't pull away. He leaned his head back against Evan as he toyed with his hair, enjoying the feeling. Glancing up at Evan's striking features Kiyo smiled softly.
"Yours is better," he said, reaching behind him to pick up a handful of Evan's thick dark hair. He pulled it carefully over his own shoulder and rested his cheek against the warm strands of black silk. He'd been wondering what Evan's hair felt like. Now he knew; it was dark and warm and sleek.

He nodded an answer to the Halloween question. Kiyo liked costumes, and Halloween. He would dress up as damn near anything Evan wanted him to be though, really. He shifted slightly once more as Evan's arms came around him again, tilting slightly to the side so he could lean up against him and curl his own legs up under him. As he did he brushed up against the continued evidence of Evan's interest. Unable to resist completely Kiyo shifted again, craving contact.

What he really wanted was another one of those searing hot kisses. Was it all right to ask? Would Evan be offended if he moved on it first without being invited? Or should he not look a gift horse in the mouth? Kiyo supposed he should be happy where things were for the moment but it'd been so long and Evan was so... good. He felt good.


Kiyo turned a bit more, placing his hands upon Evan's flat chest, feeling warmth and hard muscle. His fingers clutched, as if to grip at a shirt that wasn't there before he made a conscious effort to release them. Making up his mind quickly he tilted his head toward Evan and pressed close but he hesitated once more just shy of Evan's lips, waiting to see if he would be accepted.