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Catching Up

Between classes and his job and more or less avoiding the Pack Navid hadn't seen as much of his cousin as he would like. As he should have. He had been sent here after all to keep an eye on her, to make sure she wasn't causing trouble. That fact that she was had made things difficult, but he'd stayed to make sure things didn't get out of hand.

So far things withing the Pack had been calm enough, there had been the occasional spot of trouble mostly directed at his cousin but nothing overt or ground shaking and nothing she hadn't handled well enough. At least, nothing he'd seen or heard about had been bad but if Guillaume were totally honest he knew that he'd been avoiding not just the Pack but Thérèse as well.

Even so, he'd slowly started to notice this was not the Thérèse he knew. She wasn't as open with those she didn't know. She was less eager to seek out new acquaintances, she didn't go out into the city at night. In fact, she was more often than not back to Shady Pines before sun down. It was all quite odd.

This evening though he'd persuaded her to met him at Terminus. After all, she'd never actually been inside. Guillaume had been out and about making himself useful here and there when Thérèse walked in and he had to laugh, he doubted Thérèse knew what a geek was as she was certainly more dressed for the night club aspect of Terminus that the gaming.

Excusing himself from the busy work he'd invented he greeted her.

"Bonsoir cousine." He quickly and familiarly kissed each of her cheeks "Vouliez-vous le grand tour?"

Kiyoshi Salinas 12 years ago
Kiyo listened as Tavi attempted to sweet talk Guillaume into more wine, which he was sure she didn't need to do but it was funny. He, however, was not blackmail-able, even if Evan hadn't been standing right there.

"I can't be convinced with wine," he pointed out, giving Guillaume a little impish smile. "Evan might find out anyway."

He rarely teased Guillaume, but he was sort of starting to warm up to him some. He wasn't as scary as he'd first seemed. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that now he saw Guillaume a lot more often, having mostly moved in with Evan. Of course Guillaume didn't know the particulars there; Evan had enough room of his own in the large upstairs home to easily fit a second resident. Guillaume did too. And that was before they considered the 'neutral territory' in the middle.

He smiled at Tavi, who did her best to make Therese feel included. She was such a nice person. Kiyo wished he could actually hook her up with someone to date. That was far from being his forte though. He'd manage to screw it up somehow. Besides... he already had the hottest guy around, even if he couldn't prove it. He should probably feel guilty about that but he didn't, because currently the hottest guy was snuggling up all incognito, kissing him softly. He tried not to comment on the whole smackdown thing, however, although if he'd been a wolf his ears would have flattened at the idea of anyone threatening Evalyn, even jokingly.

"Missed you too," Kiyo said when the little blonde in question kissed him, feeling warmed from Evan's words.

He held up his glass for his 'girlfriend' to taste.
"It's Apple Pie," he explained. "Or just Pie. And sure we can share."

Lyn fit in easily with everyone else, naturally. How easily Evan could think of stories to tell! Although with the amount of computer knowledge and experience he had, it was very likely this exact scenario wasn't made up at all.

"I don't see how anyone could get enough of your personality," he said softly, very serious. Evan was perfect. As himself, or as Lyn. However.

He didn't bother to stifle a laugh as she picked Evan's mii. "It is kind of an ugly one," he said with a little grin, knowing everyone would assume he was teasing Evan behind his back and not, well, to his adorable, blonde-and-pink-framed smiling face.
"We can swap turns," he suggested, "Since it's only four at a time."

He liked sharing things with Evan. It wouldn't bother him a bit to share a mii with him.
"I can be tall and fierce too."
Guillaume 12 years ago
Navid raised an eyebrow at Tavi threatening to 'undermine' his reputation but she gave him a gracious out and he grinned. That grew into a chuckle as Kiyoshi declined the bribe.

"Evan seems to know everything. But perhaps a bottle of wine, or some more Pie, will at least slow the flow of information."

Fortunately he spotted Cassie passing by. The wine, and an extra glass for him, was necessary. While Guillaume doubted Lyn and Kiyo would need more Pie given what Evan had left he did wait for a response before finalizing the request.

He was impressed with Tavi. She was trying to draw Thérèse out, which took a bit of courage and effort. She was apparently a good friend. He smiled at her efforts and even more so at Thérèse's acceptance. While his cousin wasn't entirely relaxed yet they might have something of an enjoyable evening yet.

Fortunately it didn't seem that Lyn had picked up on any residual tension and he snorted something of a laugh at her story. People were not overly bright some times.

It wasn't hard to be in on the joke with the mii. What an odd coincidence. Apparently Even was going to be part of the evening after all.

"An excellent choice. Although you should be thankful you don't look a thing like him... it... the mii."

While he didn't mind playing with that, to his credit Navid didn't make a single comment about Kiyo being tall and fierce. Not so much as the flicker of a smile. No Kiyo had earned a little bit of respect stepping in front of Thérèse like that.
Octavia Emiliano 12 years ago
"Me and my ten friends." She held up her hands at Therese, wiggled her fingers and then balled them into fists. Tavi didn't think much more than that was necessary really. How tough could a computer geek be, anyway? What was that work out like? 'Lift the can of monster, sip, set it down, repeat. That's good. Now breath.'

She smiled up at Guillaume.
"Perhaps, but he won't be hearing it from me." Looking around she was going to ask Guillaume if she thought his technologically savvy partner had hidden cameras around the place and that was why he knew so much but that didn't seem like a good idea. It would be best not to give Therese any more reason to worry. There probably were security cameras here and there around a place like this. There had to be with so many people and so much expensive high end equipment. Tavi suspected that the owners had security people looking after those though instead of the vampire.

Therese was going to join them which was good; perhaps her friend would eventually relax. Kiyoshi helpfully offered to share his controller with Lyn since only four people could bowl at a time. Tavi looked over at her mii and shrugged. "I'm not overly attached to her. You can have little sparklie eyes if you want her."

Lyn shook her head and told her she could keep the mii. She chose the big stern looking mii named Evan and Tavi had to choke down a laugh. Poor girl, it was probably a good thing they weren't playing mii boxing; Therese would probably gleefully kick her ass, or her mii's ass anyway.

Tavi nodded to Therese. "Yeah, pretty much." She held down the button on top of the controller and showed it to her friend. "Hold this button. Swing the ball back and forward like you would a real bowling ball and release the button when you would normally let go. You can move the character over with the arrow keys if your one of those people who puts a lot of spin on the ball." Tavi moved her character and made her roll to further illustrate what she meant.
Evan Talkingwater 12 years ago
Evalyn blinked for a moment and almost did a double take; Kiyoshi made a joke directed toward Guillaume. That made her happy, perhaps they were starting to get along. She was amused at the whole discussion of what Evan would or would not hear, thinking Evan didn't need to hear it from anyone since he saw the score himself.

"Ooh Pie!" Evalyn smiled at Kiyoshi and took a sip of his drink. It was warm and spicy sweet just like a liquid apple pie. There was hardly any kick to it at all which was what made it so popular and so devastating at many a party.

She smiled at Kiyoshi's comment about her personality and shrugged, making an effort not to look at Therese who definitely had something of a problem with Evan just moments before. Though the French werewolf hadn't seemed very concerned about his attitude one way or the other so perhaps she was not the best analogy for the discussion. "Some people say I'm too cheerful. Crazy, I know....though I doubt that's what this guy would have said about me."

Picking her mii had caused much amusement. Evalyn gave Kiyo an arched eyebrow at his comment before sticking out her lip. "You're going to hurt my feelings. I worked really hard on that scowl." She drew her eyebrows down and frowned in an imitation of the mii. It looked more comical than menacing on her small round face and she couldn't hold the expression very long before she broke down into giggles and gave up.

She gave Kiyoshi a squeeze, "Of course you can be tall and fierce. You're taller than me, right? So you're huge!" Evalyn looked up at Guillaume. "Okay, not as huge as some...."

Leaning her head against Kiyo, she watched Tavi show Therese the basics of how to play the game and then take her turn. This sharing thing had the nice advantage of letting her stay next to her boyfriend for longer. She approved.
Therese 12 years ago
It was a weak laugh, but she did laugh at Thérèse at Tavi. Even Navid seemed to be willing to play a bit, to over look her rather extreme reaction. If that were the case, well she would try too. To that end she even over looked Kiyoshi's 'tall and fierce' comment and the selection of a mii with the name Evan that looked suspiciously like the mulo. But she would be polite.

"If you are willing to protect me then we shall be fine."

The three of them all seemed to agree the mulo knew everything that went on in Terminus. The idea made Thérèse uneasy. She raised an eyebrow at her cousine but didn't say anything, but she would not feel safe until she had left Terminus, maybe not until she was back on Pack grounds. If at all possible she would like to just forget about his existence. But, she couldn't although she did refrain from looking over her shoulder again.

It was difficult for her to reengage and Thérèse couldn't shake the feeling that she had left. All she really could do was observe, to watch this Lyn girl and watch her as she flirted and touched Kiyoshi. Still feeling a bit hostile towards the bartender it wasn't something she really appreciated.

"Ah but he is a pussy cat when he is scowling. It is when he smiles you have to worry."

She teased her cousine and tried to keep from excluding this girl. She didn't appear to be first, which was to her benefit.
Kiyoshi Salinas 12 years ago
As Lyn leaned into him Kiyo slipped his arm around her little waist. He gave a soft happy sigh, glad Evan could join them like this and give him someone to hang onto. Because he really just wanted to hang on to the one person, whether he was big or small at the moment.

He wasn't really sure who Therese was calling a pussy cat, having been paying attention to Evan, so Kiyo kept silent while the bowling lesson went on. He did note Therese seemed to be keeping an eye on him... or Lyn. Which, he wasn't sure, but he moved himself between her and Evan.

Kiyo still wouldn't look at Therese; she was alpha to him. Everyone was. That didn't mean he was going to let her scare him away from his date, or the place he worked. At least, not while Evan and Guillame and Tavi were all here. If she caught him alone... well... he suspected things might be a bit different.

"You want to take the first turn? Go ahead," he said to his girlfriend. "I'm even happy just watching."

He squeezed Lyn's waist, making it clear that there might be watching... plus groping. Kiyo wasn't a big fan of the PDA but little things like this he liked. He was hardly going to stick his tongue down Evan's throat in polite company but he didn't think a little clinginess was too forward.
Guillaume 12 years ago

Guillaume said gently as he too noticed that his cousin was watching Kiyo a bit closer than she needed to. Done was done and he had diffused the situation even if she didn't like how he'd accomplished that.

"It is not nice to tell a man's secrets."

He chided her, even if she was right. As it appeared no one else wanted another drink Cassie left them. She'd no doubt be back quickly with the wine and a glass.

"I do have to keep you from ratting me out and I am not above bribery."

The odds were good he'd owe her another drink in the very near future. Navid did still plan on picking Tavi's brain but certainly not now.

At least everyone had settled on a mii, that was a start. He was hoping the actual play would finish the job of relaxing the atmosphere. It had come a long way but it wasn't back to where it had been.

"I have never managed intentional spin on the ball. Ah... And do make sure the wrist strap is secure. Cousin or not I will make you replace the monitor if you break it."
Octavia Emiliano 12 years ago
Tavi stepped away from the game and went to the small table where she had set her drink. Since Guillaume had ordered more wine as requested, she finished off the last of what was in her glass. There was still the bottle that Evan had brought that appeared to be the same thing. Tavi poured herself another glass while she waited for her next turn.

"Yes, I'm tougher than I look." She looked down and then back up. "which is a good thing." Tavi poured some more wine into Therese's glass as well. She was not entirely sure that the other woman would drink it but it would most likely help if she did.

Arching her eyebrow at the conversation between Therese and her cousin, she said. "A pussy cat, is he?" She smiled at that man. "Would that be a tiger or a tabby?"

She noticed that Therese was still giving Kiyoshi and Lyn the occasional evil eye. Tavi felt kind of sorry for the girl, who couldn't have the slightest idea what she had just walked in on.

Turning back to Guillaume, she asked. "So how many televisions have you had to replace due to drunken wii playing?"
Evan Talkingwater 12 years ago
It appeared to be their combined turn. Kiyoshi said he didn't mind her going first or even letting her play the entire game. "No, no, you're playing too, Mister. We are facing the good, the bad and the gutter ball together." Evalyn smiled and returned the gentle squeeze before taking the controller from Kiyoshi. Reluctantly, she stepped away and sent the first ball rolling down the lane.

It ended up with a nasty split. "I could use some of that spin." She muttered toward Guillaume who had commented on not being able to make the ball curve on purpose. Moving the mii slightly, she then flicked the controller to the angle setting and tilted it toward one of the pins. The grand plan was to hit the far right side of this pin hard enough to cause it to bounce sideways and hit the other standing pin.

It was a good plan. It didn't happen, but the theory was sound.

She came back to Kiyoshi with a small frown on her face. "That didn't go as well as I had hoped."

Taking another sip of his drink, Evalyn resumed her place cuddled up next to him. Therese still appeared to be watching Kiyo and her, which was rather paranoid and made entirely no sense. The woman had no way of knowing who she was and Kiyoshi was a pack mate so where was the hostility coming from?

Evalyn leaned close and 'whispered' in what would have been considered a quiet voice for a human.
"Did I do something wrong? Interrupt something?" She knew full well that all the werewolves could hear her but a vampire wouldn't have made the mistake of thinking no one else could have heard her soft voice. That likely meant she was just what she appeared to be, a small, blond, harmless, human.

See, no vampire here, so you can stop glaring.

Evalyn wrapped her arm back around Kiyo. She was all for helping the werewolf get over whatever her vampire problem was but it would be difficult if the woman was going to jump at shadows and see vampires around every corner.

Next she'll be glaring at Cassie and wondering what the poor woman put in her drink. Surely the waitress was a vampire too, right? Actually, no, Cassie was a human. Or was hiding something from him extraordinarily well. She hadn't requested later night shifts or special times off for the full moon so there was a good chance Cassie was just your average unsuspecting mortal.

The waitress on the other side of the concourse was a werewolf. One of the other pack. They had said they were called Kadzait. There were several working here. They even seemed to get along with the Vyusher R'asa. She had come up on several of the werewolf staff sharing notes once. They were talking about something that made no sense to her but whatever it was had them all laughing to themselves.

"Uhm, You're turn." She told Therese and pointed to the mii standing with bowling ball in hand on the screen. The spherical hands with no arms always looked like off center breasts to her. She would have thought that she had a dirty mind but she had heard other people comment on the same thing.
Therese 12 years ago
Toying with her wine, even sipping at it occasionally, Thérèse did her best to totally ignore Kiyoshi. Navid had called her on it and if the human was noticing she was being too obvious. Truthfully she would feel better if she knew where the mulo was. Even if he wasn't here if she knew where he should be it would help.

It didn't matter that she knew this was paranoid behavior, she couldn't help it. Non, that wasn't true she could control it; she was just going to have to work on it. .

"Have you ever tangled with a ferocious tabby?"

She asked Tavi. The truth of her friend's question was, it depended. Even a tiger could be sweet under the right circumstances with the right people after all.

"Those little needle like teeth and claws are terribly annoying."

And then it was her turn. So far everyone had made this look quite easy and the game gave very clear instructions. Still, she didn't manage to release the button and throw the ball her first try. The next resulted in a curve so bad it went into the gutter.

"Mon Dieu, and this is fun?!"

Another try and she managed to knock down two pins and looked rather pleased with herself for the accomplishment. Even if she had accidentally let go of the controller in the process and it was now dangling from her wrist.

"Perhaps it is fun after all."
Kiyoshi Salinas 12 years ago
Kiyo watched Evan bowl a split and then hit one of the two remaining pins. As the little blond returned Kiyo smiled. "Well, it was a good try. You did better than I could have."

They shared some more of Kiyo's drink, with Kiyo drinking most of it. He was all warm and tingly again, which was fine by him. He would remember not to drink too much. He really didn't want a repeat bathroom run but hopefully all the nerve-wracking moments were done for now.

That said, when Lyn leaned in an asked why Therese was staring, Kiyo gulped, glanced at the other werewolf, and shrugged at his girlfriend.
"Maybe you remind her of someone?"

He shrugged his shoulders and hugged Lyn close.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

He doubted Therese meant any harm by her close scrutiny but nevertheless Kiyo did his best to stay between them. As The conversation continued on the topic of angry cats Kiyo was reminded of his disastrous first meeting with Tavi. Yes, she had wrestled a cat. They both had, actually.

Had he been in different company Kiyo might have actually said that and told their cat story, but Therese made him cautious and self-conscious. So he just shot Tavi a glance and a quick grin. It would be Guillaume's turn next, then Tavi's again, and then Kiyo supposed he'd bowl for their little combined team. If they could get through this game maybe they could go their own ways afterward. Kiyo would love to spend some time without Therese there... but for the moment at least she was occupied.
Guillaume 12 years ago
It was rather interesting to see how touchy feely Kiyo was with Lyn. In just these few minutes they always seemed to be in some sort of contact. Navid had assumed that was something Kiyo wouldn't be comfortable with. Apparently he had been wrong.

Despite Thérèse's jab he smiled slyly at Tavi,

"I shall let you pick."

Pretending not to hear the little blond he watched his cousin attempt to bowl. It was rather humorous and he chuckled behind her back. Some one had to. There was nothing quite like watching a novice player. And it gave him hope that he would beat at least one person.

Before taking his own turn he considered Tavi's question.

"At least one, perhaps two. I would have check the records."

Taking his turn Guillaume managed a spare and refrained from gloating. With impeccable timing Cassie came back with the wine and a glass for him. Navid poured a small drink, even with an excellent metabolism it was possible Thérèse might need a ride home and he would feel better if she didn't take a cab.
Octavia Emiliano 12 years ago
Tavi turned in time to watch Lyn bowl and get a split. The attempt at getting both pins down resulted in only knocking down the one. The girl had pouted prettily at Kiyoshi and then returned to his side. A part of her wanted to feel possessive, a part of her wanted to say he was -her- friend but Kiyo looked so much happier and calmer with the blond around. It was hard to be upset with that.

She turned her attention to Guillaume instead. Hey, if you can't be all possessive over one pack mate then at least there was another handsome one around to talk to and flirt with. Tavi regarded him thoughtfully. "I think you're too tall to be a tabby. So you'll just have to be a tiger." She laughed softly and shook her head, comparing a wolf to a feline, even a large one, seem kind of wrong somehow.

Kiyo did spare her a glance and a smile; she shared that private grin with him as well, knowing what he was thinking about. That damn Persian. It probably had not the welcome Kiyoshi had been expecting his first day at Shady Pines but it had definitely been memorable.

It was her turn to bowl. She set down her glass of wine and went over to stand in front of the television. Guillaume said they had lost one or two televisions to overly enthusiastic players. "I'll be careful with this one then." Tavi held up her wrist with the wiimote dangling from it to prove that the strap was securely in place.

Flipping the controller back up into her hand, she accidentally hit the button which sent the ball flying backward into the crowd of mii's behind her character. They all jumped and gasped. She turned back to the real people playing and grinned. "Just wanted to make sure everyone was paying attention." Yeah, right, that had been on purpose.

Prepared now, she rolled a spare and then finished the last pin off with her second role.

"I've shaken em up for ya." Tavi said to Therese and then went back to her drink. "They should behave like little saints now." She had heard several people who bowled often complain about the lane etiquette of the other mii's. They would come up and bowl when you were about to take your turn instead of politely waiting until you were done. Nice thought and everything but since the only time you notice the computer generated mii's was when you were bowling it seemed rather necessary for them to overlook this particular bowling custom. Besides it was not like it actually disturbed your own lane any. Some people were just way too literal.
Evan Talkingwater 12 years ago
She arched an eyebrow at Kiyoshi but did not disagree. Evalyn had never played wii bowling with Kiyo so perhaps he was telling her the truth. More likely he was being modest and selling himself short. He did that quite often. She was tempted to give him a gentle pinch and tell him to cut it out but that could wait until she had proof that he was being overly hard on himself.

Kiyoshi covered for Therese and she hoped the other werewolf appreciated it. Evalyn doubted it but she should. She also noticed that her adorable boyfriend was putting himself between the big bad French werewolf and herself. Evalyn was touched that he cared that much. It had been obvious that Therese scared him to death.

"You're so sweet." She murmured softly and kissed Kiyoshi on the cheek. Evalyn would explain why she thought so later, in detail. For the moment she spoke of his kind words. "Maybe you're right."

Evalyn turned her attention to Tavi's roll and giggled when the ball went flying into the crowd. It was certainly better than the wii remote into the television. Guillaume was right about the number of screens that had been broken. That was okay, the individuals responsible had paid for them. And Terminus had excellent insurance.

There was a brief exchange between Tavi and Kiyoshi that made her curious, maybe even a little jealous. Evalyn did her best not to hug Kiyo a little tighter when the cute detective smiled at her boyfriend. It was okay; she was a friend. Evalyn knew where Kiyoshi would be sleeping tonight and she contented herself with that knowledge...and a little hidden playful squeeze of his behind.
Therese 12 years ago
Thérèse was making progress in ignoring the other two. But even as she did so she decided to excuse herself after this game. She had made her point and had stood her ground and refused to be run off. But she also now wanted to be home. Vaughn had offered to come down to Terminus, she had hopes of being able to find him when she returned to Shady Pines. Failing that she would just hide in her rooms. She had some thinking to do.

It was entertaining to watch Navid and Tavi half flirt with each other. It was impossible to tell if they were at all serious but they were both willing to play the game.

Surprised by Tavi's throwing the ball backwards into the crowd Thérèse laughed, pleased her friend was enjoying herself and able to play. It was proof she hadn't ruined everyone's evening.

"Do you get extra points if you hit the spectators?"

She didn't know exactly how the scoring worked, it looked simple enough and no game that Thérèse knew of allowed you to assault the crowd but it would make things more interesting.

Slightly more relaxed by Tavi's antics when it came her turn Thérèse some how knocked down all the balls with one throw. It appeared she'd done something good. That was confirmed when she heard her cousine swear under his breath at her.

It was slightly confusing that she did not get another turn. She'd gotten two chances to knock the pins down before.

"Did I miss a turn? It seems odd that you would get another turn just because you knocked them all down."

Thérèse could be a bit competitive. Not overly, but a bit and she wanted to make up her poor score from the previous throw.
Kiyoshi Salinas 12 years ago
Kiyo tried not to jump or squirm at the hand that squeezed his butt. He did turn a vibrant shade of red at the little caress, even though he'd liked it. He couldn't help it. He wasn't used to public... stuff.

He ducked to the side as Tavi swung her ball backwards but it was more to avoid her remote-swinging hand than the imaginary bowling ball. It never hurt to be quick to react, did it? His friend recovered with her usual cheerful humor and knocked down all the pins but one, which she hit on her next turn.

"Nice, Tavi," he said.

Therese bowled a strike... either beginner's luck or she was just good at games like this.
"Good job," Kiyo murmured, feeling obligated to compliment her on it even though his heart wasn't in it.

It was his turn next but he hesitated; Therese seemed to think she should get another turn. Kiyo knew how the scoring worked but he didn't really ant to be the one to explain it to Therese. He was certain by now that anything he said would either be ignored or taken poorly.

After a long hesitation he gave a little sigh and moved in front of the screen to take his turn for his little combined team, letting someone else explain it to Guillaume's cousin. He didn't take long. Standing in front of the screen, his shoulders hunched a bit as if he could possibly go unnoticed, he quickly swung the remote and let the ball roll. Not watching to see where it went he hurried back to Lyn, glancing at Tavi but ignoring Therese, afraid she might be glaring at him for bowling. Or breathing. Anything.

Behind him he heard all the pins fall over.

He'd played this before.
Guillaume 12 years ago
"Not the most glowing recommendation I've ever had but, I shall take what I can get."

He grinned broadly. Certainly something about a regal bearing or even stripes would have been better than height. But he was amused either way. Tavi was a rather appealing young woman. That, and apparently dangerous. He laughed and cringed as her ball flew backwards to teach some of the animated characters a lesson.

"Shall we give them halos then? To indicate they have been appropriately threatened?"

It was a good thing she had the wrist strap securely attached. Although that throw wouldn't have broken a monitor, it probably would have hit an unsuspecting patron or employee in the head.

His cousin's turn was impressive, he swore and muttered about beginner's luck, she only smiled at him. But she was confused by the scoring. Guillaume couldn't help but notice a blushing Kiyoshi refrained from explaining the lack of a second turn. Navid didn't blame him for staying out of Thérèse's line of fire, but a small part of him had hoped the bar tender would continue to show some spirit. Ah well.

"You get two turns to knock down ten pins. If you knock down all of them then your next score is added to the previous ten. I cannot quite remember the math but I promise you have not been denied something."

Thérèse gave him a funny look.

"Watch the score you will see but I promise, no cheating."

Taking his own turn he managed a rather sad six. It didn't bother him, tonight he didn't care if he won or lost.
Octavia Emiliano 12 years ago
"I don't know you well enough to give you glowing recommendations." Tavi smiled over at Guillaume. Perhaps she would talk to Kiyo later and see whether or not he had any positive things to say about this boss. Tavi didn't need to know about Evan; she figured she still knew him better than Kiyoshi anyway. She had known the vampire for a few years now. Still, in the interest of fairness perhaps she would ask her friend about Evan also. It would be interesting to hear what he thought about the guy.

She shook her head at Therese. "Sadly, no there are no extra points for hitting people. Someone should make that game though. It would sell very well and would be brilliant for stress relief." Turning to Guillaume, Tavi considered his idea. "Nah, black eyes would be more appropriate. " She did her best thug impression (which wasn't very good but still got the point across) "Don't do it again, or I have Cousin Mickey come back and pay ya another visit. Next time he might break somethin. Mickey's none too careful, know what I mean?"

"Thanks Kiyo." Tavi smiled at her friend who was being supportive instead of competitive. She chuckled as Therese rolled a strike and Guillaume said some creative things under his breath. Not everyone was feeling gracious.

Tavi gleefully trod the middle ground by grinning at Therese and agreeing with Kiyoshi. "Yeah, Lucky Bitch." It had been a good shot. See, supportive and cursing. The two weren't mutually exclusive.

She watched Kiyoshi slink up to stand in front of the television and quickly roll his ball. He then quickly went back to Lyn. Kiyo had barely looked at the screen, which made his strike even more impressive.

"Good grief!" Tavi threw up her hands in dismay and looked over at Guillaume. "I think we need to go to the junior league wii bowling team."

She then turned to Kiyoshi and gave him a smile and wink. "Good throw, Kiyo."
Evan Talkingwater 12 years ago
Kiyo's little twitch beneath her and the vivid shade of red he turned almost made her miss Tavi's roll. She looked up in time to see the mii's all jump as if she'd squeezed their behinds as well. The woman's comments about it made her giggle. Tavi recovered quickly and rolled a spare. Lyn nodded and agreed with Kiyoshi when he congratulated her on it.

"That game would sell really well especially if you could customize the mii's you get to...ah...negotiate with." Lyn grinned. "You could have them look like your co-workers and your boss and such." She turned to Kiyoshi and asked. "So would you like this game? You could punch your bosses any time you like. That big guy and uhm the other...." Lyn turned and pointed at Guillaume and then smiled sheepishly. "Oh, nevermind."

Therese did even better with her turn and then wondered where the second chance was. "You got them all in one so your score carries over into the next turn." Guillaume explained the situation in a similar fashion. Surely the both of them saying it would be enough to prove that its true and not a wii conspiracy.

Kiyoshi quietly moved away from her and walked up to the television to take his turn while they were explaining the bowling scoring to Therese. He quickly rolled and moved back to her without even taking much time to see the result.

Lyn wrapped her arms around Kiyo when he returned to her and gave him a quick kiss. Then she smiled at him and pinched him lightly on the arm. "That's for selling yourself short earlier." Lyn leaned close and grinned at him. "Little Hustler." She squeezed him close and laid her head on his shoulder while laughing at Tavi's theatrics about the junior leagues.
Therese 12 years ago
While she was attempting to ignore Kiyoshi and his date Thérèse was aware of both of them. It almost made her laugh when Kiyoshi muttered an apparently obligatory congratulations but failed to address her other question. It wasn't her greatest concern but Thérèse wondered exactly how badly she had damaged their 'relationship'. Given his manner she suspected he would not accept an offered ride again. But to be honest and fair, she might not offer again.

The explanation of the scoring was met with skepticism but she was willing to at least wait and see how things played out. Failing that, the internet was a wonderful resource and she could see if she'd been cheated later.

"Perhaps that is a different game? Winning friends and abusing colleague?"

It seemed quite likely that these games could be programed to do just about anything. Some one must have already thought of this. More to the point she was half including, almost, at least thinking about including Lyn. While she had some issue with the bar tender, the human was only guilty by association. She might attempt to be nice.

"Ah... C'est bon."

She managed to offer Kiyoshi the same sort of half hearted acknowledgment that he'd given her. Never let it be said that two could not play this game.

Tavi seemed to do well also.

"Non, look at the scores. I think there is only one of us that is out of their league."

Her own turn only netted five pins in two tries. Still it was better than the time she'd hit nothing.