Things That Went 'Bump' in the Night (Invite Only)
((ooc: Follows He Had It Coming))
Rowan burst in through the Tower doors in a spatter of blood that would probably later be analyzed as 'frantic' and headed immediately toward Security. He didn't know too much about the administrative areas of the building (if they could be called that) but he did know the doctor's office was located close by. It was further down the hall, more securely in toward the back of the building hidden away from any intruders. It was also well-marked by the presence of one very tall, very lanky Elder who, if nothing else, made it very easy to find.
Rowan knew there was no doctor present at the Towers at the moment. He did find one nervous-looking nurse in the office, who by the name on her badge was Joanna. She appeared to have been told, probably recently, that Rowan was en route with one very badly damaged Chief of Security.
He didn't have to say anything; she simply raised a slightly shaky hand and directed them in toward the back of the office with a tremulous finger. He dashed that way and found a very simple surgery. That was all he needed; vampires were deceptively easy to care for. As Cris had not yet turned to ash in his arms (something he would have nightmares about for years to come), Rowan assumed he was salvageable. However, as with any injured patient, time was of the essence.
He gently laid Cris down on the treatment table, looking down at his partner whose eyes were now open. Rowan let his coat and Cris's jacket, now both liberally soaked in blood, fall onto the floor. Joanna had followed them in and quietly began locating supplies. Nerves apparently would not stop her from doing her job properly, the hallmark of a good nurse. As Rowan reached down to the stainless steel rolling table beside him he found each item he was looking for carefully placed there before he had to ask. He glanced at Joanna with new respect, grateful for her observation.
He reached down, gathered the supplies to place an IV catheter, and accomplished the task swiftly, rolling Cris's shirt sleeve out of the way for the moment. Quickly taping the little port into place Rowan gently reached out and brushed his thumb over the uninjured side of Cris's face.
"You're home, dear one. You're going to be just fine but I have to patch you up a little bit. It would be far less painful and far easier if I could put you to sleep for a short time."
He got the protest he expected, but he raised imploring eyes to Alfarinn. If he had to, Rowan felt that as the most advanced medical professional here he might possibly be justified in overriding the Chief of Security's wishes in this regard... but as Cris's lover, he didn't want to have to. He was supposed to advocate for his partner, even if said partner seemed bound and determined to be as stubborn as a mule.
If someone were to intervene however, Rowan could hardly ignore an order from his own Elder.

Cris slowly opened his eyes to find that he was being held close to Rowan. They were in Liefde now and headed home. ...Nope, there went home. He thought lazily as the door to the apartment was passed by.
[Gary...] He had to know if the killer was taken down or if he managed to slip away. And the burning building. He needed to know if they saved the person or persons in the building. [What happened?]
[He got away. I hit you instead.] Gary had been working in Security long enough to state the facts first, clearly and quickly. Any elaboration could be had after the initial report.
Hmmph, Cris thought that explained why he felt as though all his nerves had been fried and his teeth had been rattled hard enough to fall out. He had not tried to move, perfectly willing to be carried along by Rowan, but he suspected that he would find his muscles not responding with the alacrity and precision that he was accustomed to. However, that last part was not entirely to be blamed on the taser; blood loss was not helping either. After a moment he realized he should say something more. [S'ok, Gary, not your fault.] He could not blame the man for what happened. He had asked him to try and stun the werewolf. It just had not gone as they had hoped.
Rowan laid him down on a bed and Alfarinn's face came into view. "Sorry.†He mumbled to his friend. It occurred to him that Alfarinn was feeling his pain but he was having a hard time concentrating enough to fix it.
He looked up at Rowan and then rapidly shook his head, no to the proposed unconsciousness. This served to make him dizzy and Cris fervently wished he hadn't done it. Focusing on Rowan again, he said. "I have to help the others. They are still out there. Give me some blood. The rest can wait.â€
Alfarinn came over and reached down and placed a cool hand on his shoulder. He smiled softly and then looked over at Rowan. "It is true that he has continued to work under extreme conditions. Our Cris is a dedicated man.†Alfarinn looked down at him again. "However, this time you don't need to. The immediate danger has passed and you will be much better if you are healing properly.â€
Cris frowned, giving his Elder a particularly petulant look and shook his head...more slowly this time. "Fire, the others were checking on it. A new attack.â€
"Whatever has happened has probably already happened.†Alfarinn noted with annoying logic. "Your people are well trained. They will be fine and Gary can help me coordinate with them until you wake up.â€
He sighed and looked from one loved one to the other. Traitors. Cris huffed softly and laid his head back on the table. "How long?â€
((OOC: Gary in purple. Our annoying leader in blue ))

"I don't know, love, until I see what's wrong. I promise I'll get you awake again as soon as possible. You have my word."
He would... but he would do his own job thoroughly first. Rowan suspected it might take the better part of an hour to get Cris cleaned, patched up, and stitched up where necessary. And it might take a bit longer before Cris was coherent.
"I know you'd rather stay awake but my hands are tied, a ghra. You heard Alfarinn. There's nothing I can do, I have to follow the chain of command, et cetera, et cetera."
Those words were spoken while he slowly administered the Ketamine. Before Cris lost consciousness Rowan leaned down and gave him the lightest of kisses, not caring that the killer's blood still tainted Cris's lips.
Within a minute both the Ketamine and the morphine were on board and Rowan watched the tension drain from Cris's features. He breathed a short sigh and pulled the syringe from the catheter. Joanna moved in with an IV stand and a bag of blood. While Rowan began to remove Cris's tie and shirt, the nurse quickly set up a free drip. Rowan didn't like disrobing his partner in front of a strange woman this way, but who was he kidding? It wasn't as if they hadn't been naked in front of another woman before, under far more pleasant circumstances.
Joanna actually left the room while Rowan stripped Cris down to his boxers and examined his body for injuries. His face was deeply cut, and there were two disturbingly deep stab wounds in his right side, with a gash along his back. There was a deep cut on his right wrist as well, where their killer had tried to slice at them to make them lose their grip.
Most of the injuries were on Cris's right side, and Rowan did not see anything more worrisome. He didn't know how many more hits Cris had taken, however, that hadn't left cuts and punctures. Contusions could be just as harmful. He rolled Cris gently onto his left side with his arm extended so as not to kink the IV line. Joanna returned with a heated blanket and laid it on Cris's legs. Rowan pulled it up as high as he could without obscuring his view. Then the nurse covered the blanket with a sterile cover. The sterility made no difference in this case, but the fabric would resist any blood spill and not soak through.
Rowan reached out to the side once more and found Joanna there with antiseptic and some hemostats. As he reached for the cleaning agent, not so much to get the wounds clean as to clear them of debris and road grit, Joanna stopped him with a hand on his arm. Rowan turned to her, eyebrows raised.
"Wait a moment," she said softly. Rowan glanced at Cris; he was sedated, as pain free as Rowan could make him, and had a supply of blood. He nodded and straightened.
Joanna quietly took hold of Rowan's wrist and placed a telfa pad on it, then wrapped a roll of gauze around it so it would stop bleeding onto his hand. Rowan stood still and allowed her to do it; he didn't need to grip the hemostats with his right hand, as he was ambidextrous and his left would do just as well, but he appreciated the nurse's thought.
"Thank you," he said as she reached up and placed a bandage over the cuts the wolf's teeth had made on his own cheek.
Joanna smiled. "You're welcome."
Rowan tilted his head at her. "I'm Rowan."
Joanna raised her eyebrows. "I know."
Unfazed, Rowan pointed to the prone Chief of Security. "This is Cris."
Joanna's lips twitched up. "You don't say," she murmured.
Rowan looked around, then gestured to their Clan Leader. "Have you met Alfarinn?"
Joanna's eyes flickered to the Elder and she blushed red. "In passing," she said softly.
Rowan nodded, not ready to smile just yet but feeling a little better for the brief and apparently unnecessary introduction. Naturally she knew Cris and Alfarinn, and he supposed it shouldn't surprise him to be recognized as well.
With his new partner for the moment, Rowan bent down to Cris and got to work. He kept a running commentary to Alfarinn as he did so his leader wasn't kept in the dark.
"The punctures are deep. This one barely missed his spine. There's a slight puncture in his right lung, but it's going to close quickly. He may have some ribs broken. I'll x-ray those, but I don't think anything is displaced."
It went on while he quickly threw sutures in whatever needed to be held in place. It wasn't strictly necessary but Rowan had found that they tended to heal faster with a little bit of assistance. As expected he finished in a bit less than an hour, making sure everything was clean and covered and that Cris's ribs and various cuts were wrapped as well as could be managed. By that time Gary had arrived and he and Alfarinn were conferring.
Rowan waited for Cris to begin waking up, with an emesis basin at the ready. He wasn't sure how the balance of substances would work out; morphine plus Ketamine, werewolf blood on top of that which had possibly been ingested. Whatever happened he was ready to help his partner wake up. In the interest of privacy he did pull the curtain most of the way around the bed; Alfarinn could come back in if he wanted, but Rowan doubted Cris would be amused at being woken up mostly naked and possibly dry-heaving in the midst of a small gathering. He pulled the warm blanket up to cover Cris to his shoulders and waited. The sedative had not been strong; it should be soon.

Opening his eyes, he looked around the room and found Rowan. The curtain had been drawn around the bed but he knew Alfarinn was on the other side. [What happened?]
The Elder spoke to someone and then came around the corner, peering into the room. "The team is back. They are all in one piece. There was a fire. Unfortunately they couldn't save the little boy.â€
Cris took in the information, expecting to hear something of that nature. If the killer had managed to get away without them being aware of him then they would have noticed the fire earlier. By the time they had noticed and the team was sent over there to try and help there was probably no way to have saved the victim. He knew better than to hope that 911 had been called by someone else before his people got there. They were in an industrial part of town; it was doubtful anyone would notice the building was on fire any quicker than they did.
He looked over at Rowan and squeezed the hand he felt holding his. "I'm sorry, Love.†His voice sounded dry and thin to his ears.
They almost had him. This wouldn't have ever needed to happen again but the murderer managed to get away. Cris closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Allowing himself to be depressed and worried for a moment.
When he opened them again, he looked back up at Alfarinn. "There is another note that you need to look at. Kem also.â€
[Ume, I need you to take some notes. Can you come to the doctor's office?]
Looking back at Rowan, he smiled softly. "Can you help me sit up, Love?†He ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth a few times and frowned at the feeling of furry nastiness that had not gone away. "And get me something to wash out my mouth?â€
[Gary, where are you? Did you get some blood?] He heard a shuffling sound of a chair moving back and then Gary's head poked around the curtain. "Right here, Boss.â€
"Good. Then as soon as Ume arrives we can get down to business.â€
He tried to ignore the amused snort that Alfarinn made as he turned around and reclaimed whatever chair he had been in before Cris woke.

When Cris's eyes opened and found Rowan's, Rowan did his best to smile reassuringly down at Cris. It became apparent that the first person Cris reached out to was Alfarinn, for the Elder came around the curtain and spoke to Cris directly, clearly answering a question. Rowan ignored the little stab of hurt inside; Cris had a mission even now and who was he to try to dissuade him from it?
Rowan closed his eyes briefly at the reminder that another young soul had perished because of him, but the ache that caused paled in comparison to what might have happened if it had been Cris. So when Cris squeezed his hand and apologized in a voice that was almost pathetically weak Rowan shook his head vigorously. He couldn't speak without his voice breaking, so he simply stuck with that one motion and gripped Cris's hand back.
Once more Rowan was thankful for better living through chemistry as Cris gave a deep sigh. Either his partner was mending quickly or the painkiller was still very much active, or that breath would have hurt like hell. The sigh was followed by a string of issued commands.
Rowan tensed; he wished fervently that Cris would just let himself relax and mend. Granted, he seemed largely unaffected by the drugs in his system but that didn't mean he should hop up and go about his business. There was, too, a selfish part of Rowan that very much wanted to wrap himself around Cris and simply nurse him back to health but that did not seem to be desired and that, too, hurt. Rowan hid it behind a wall of subterfuge and looked over at Joanna, who stood quietly out of the way. He nodded at her and she fetched a small cup of cool water, passing it over Cris to Rowan.
Rowan waited until Cris had finished speaking. Then, seated on the bed next to his partner, he bent low and said in a voice barely above a whisper, "I don't know if this is such a good idea, Cris. You need to rest."
Nonetheless he slid his injured arm behind Cris since that was the one in position to do so and gently, slowly, raised his partner a little way from the bed so that he could wash out his mouth as requested. Rowan shifted slightly so he was sitting behind Cris, holding him up with his arm and chest. He took the cup of water and held it gently to Cris's lips, tipping it slightly so only a small amount at a time spilled over the lip of the little cup. Then he replaced the cup on the bedside table and picked up the basin again.
"Here," he said. "Don't swallow."
Morphine and food or drink of any kind were a bad idea, which was why Rowan had the IV pumping blood into his partner's catheter still. In a little bit, Rowan would give Cris a far more appropriate drink, but for now, this was best.

Rest could wait until they had done all they could to sort out the latest clues while everything was still new.
"Not yet.†He whispered back when Rowan suggested he should rest. "Later. We need to do this now while everything we remember is fresh.â€
Rowan helped him up and the room tilted. Cris hoped he appeared less green than he felt. His lover handed him a drink of water, barely giving him enough to wet his lips and the inside of his mouth. That was plenty, something in his stomach suggested drinking was a bad idea. Swishing the water around in his mouth, he spit it into the basin that Rowan held up for him. Looking up at his companion, he made a face and muttered quietly. "No, chance of that. Nasty.â€
He closed his eyes and leaned against Rowan, chanting inwardly "I will not be sick on my partner.†over and over until he felt it was safe to at least open his eyes. Cris still felt that it was imperative that he stay absolutely still. Otherwise Rowan had better be very quick with the bucket.
Ume came through the door and her almond shaped eyes became quite round when she saw Cris lying in the bed. She looked around at everyone else in the room, smiling and nodding at Gary but then looking back at Cris. "Are you okay?†A hand covered her mouth. "That was a silly question. I mean are you...Do you need anything? Can I help?â€
Cris smiled at her and raised his hand to gesture to a chair, got it an inch or two off the bed and decided that moving at all was unwise. "I will live.†He whispered."Have a seat.â€
She had brought her tablet with her and a stylus. Perching next to Gary, she crossed her legs and held the pen up, waiting for something to write down. Cris thought it oddly old fashioned and for a moment saw a different Ume in a dress from the 40's with her hair curled up in victory rolls and a notepad and pen in her hand. The image didn't go away immediately so he did his best to ignore the strange overlay. He knew she was there so what she was wearing seemed less important.
"The killer had on a bracelet. It had a rough texture interspersed with something smooth and cool. He seemed fit, muscular, perhaps Rowan's size.†It was hard to judge without actually seeing the man. "Maybe bigger.†Cris had definitely wrapped his arms around Rowan's chest, waist, and well all of him at one time or another, and the killer seemed at least as big. Different build but he couldn't accurately describe that.
Cris tilted his head toward Rowan, not quite looking up because that too was moving more than he dared. "Did you notice anything specific?â€

"You have fifteen minutes, sweetheart, to get everything in order. And then everyone goes away and I continue to take care of you."
It wasn't a threat, really... it was, perhaps, a compromise. Cris really did need to mend but Rowan knew that rest would not happen until his partner at least felt he'd gotten the ball rolling. Rowan knew what it meant to push yourself to your limits and beyond and he knew Cris would do so, but not on Rowan's watch. He had principles as a doctor and those applied to his partner.
As Cris leaned against him Rowan fought hard against the urge to tighten his hold on Cris. Morphine or not that would hurt him, and he understood all too well the queasiness his partner had to be feeling. Cris's face was whiter than white, his lips pressed into a tight line, and he was resting utterly still. Rowan had certainly seen that position before, not on Cris, but he was a doctor... he knew damn well when someone was trying their best not to hurl.
When the moment seemed to have passed Rowan once more offered Cris a tiny bit of water to rinse with before they began. He did hope Cris realized he wasn't going anywhere. The absurdity of that thought and the fact that he was being slightly hypocritical hit him as he felt a trickle of blood down his neck from beneath the hasty bandage Joanna had placed on his face.
He was not the only one who had noticed, for Joanna moved around the bed and continued to be a nurse while they discussed. First she changed the bag of blood flowing into Cris's vein to a new, full one. Then she pulled up a stool and gently peeled the makeshift bandage away from Rowan's cheek. With a stainless steel bowl of chlorhexidine wash and a few pieces of gauze she deftly, quietly, cleaned his face off for him while appearing to ignore the discussion around them with a perfect expression of professional disinterest.
Trying not to wince or do anything to jostle Cris, Rowan thought for a moment. "Yes," he grunted. "He was heavier than me. He had short hair, maybe slightly longer on top. And his breath smelled like onions."
Maybe it was best to leave out the food references... Cris probably didn't need the imagery right now. Well... Rowan was damn good with a bucket. Centuries of practice tended to make one fairly responsive.

Cris tried to spare a moment to see it from Rowan's viewpoint and he knew that he would not want Rowan over working himself if he were injured. He would want to love him, protect him and care for him. He also thought that Rowan was a doctor and not a member of security. When his partner was hurt then Cris would most likely have the luxury to pamper and care for him. It was different here. This was his job and he was still trying to do it to the best of his addled and injured ability. He would not tell Rowan to work less hours or not to take on that surgery after next to no sleep for three days straight. Though, he would admit that he would do his best to make sure Rowan could get some sleep.
All in all he was glad that Rowan cared enough to make demands even if he might find it necessary to ignore them. For the moment he neither agreed nor disagreed. They had things to do. [I promise you, Love, when this is all logged and I am sure everyone is safe then I will gladly consign myself to your care.]
He quickly went through the list of people who were on the team working this mission, sending a brief request for status. Everyone answered, safe and sound.
Ume dutifully wrote down everything that they both noted. Gary said he had little else to contribute but he did bring back the tattered remains of the man's clothes. They were rather generic, nothing very telling about the appearance of them. Simple shirt and jeans. No logos, no holes. (Aside from the large ones ripped in them by the change) Nothing expensive but nothing worn either. In fact, the items looked fairly new. Alfarinn said he would take a look at them and get back to Cris on what he found later, promising to make it sooner rather than later if there was anything earth shattering.
"He had a knife, hinged blade, rather large.†Cris said and then pointed out the obvious. "He is a werewolf which narrows down our search considerably. But we don't know what type.â€
Looking at Alfarinn, he asked. "He seemed big.†Cris repressed a cough remembering the feel of the very large wolf rolling on top of him. "very big, muscular, very heavy. Could that be either pack?â€
The Elder shrugged and said. "They are both larger than normal wolves. I would suggest.†He looked over at Rowan. "when you are better, that you accompany Kem to talk to the pack leader of the Kadzait.â€
Cris looked at him for a long moment, wondering why he suggested the one pack leader over the other. Was he afraid the Mayor was a better liar, or would have less time to talk to him or did he feel that Kem had a better relationship with the Kadzait than any of them did with the Vyusher R'asa? He wasn't sure but he sensed that Alfarinn had reasons that weren't readily apparent.
"Okay, I suppose it could wait a few days.†He whispered reluctantly. Cris would certainly want to be along for this talk and even he would admit that he was not up for such activity at the moment. He might still be seeing Ume in clothing circa world war II but he wasn't completely delusional.
"You will look into the note?†Cris raised his eyebrows at Alfarinn and got a nod in response. He looked at Ume. "Get Aishe to contact our people on the fire department and see if this fire gives them any more clues.†She nodded and added that to her notes.
Fire, note, clothes, description, werewolf, team safe and mostly in one piece.
"Anything I have forgotten?†He gestured weakly, barely moving one hand in the direction of the bag and tube to one side of him. "I will admit to being sub-par at the moment.â€
Turning his head slightly to Rowan, he nestled his face into the crook of his partner's neck. Still moving with extreme care lest he lose, well nothing, but Cris was absolutely certain that dry heaving would be incredibly painful. [When we are done, Can we go home? I would rather sleep there, with you.] The hospital bed was not exactly meant for two and home was where he felt safe and able to be himself. Since the buildings had been built, his home had become a haven. It had always been the place he retreated to when he needed to recover. Before, he would have laid there alone and analyzed everything that happened for hours, maybe days. Now he wouldn't be alone and that made being injured far less frightening. [I am glad you are with me, Love. I am sorry we didn't catch him.]
That was what made it even more difficult for Cris to simply let this all go until later. This murderer was after Rowan. They almost had him and they failed. Another child died and he did not want that to happen again. Eventually there will be that one clue that stacked with all the other clues in order to tell them who this man was and then there would be no mercy. Cris wanted that to be tomorrow. Truthfully he wanted that to be yesterday.
((OOC: Our helpful leader in blue ))

[Keep it brief please, love. The sooner I get you well the sooner we get back to finding this bastard.]
He didn't even have to lie about that; it was the truth. Rowan did want this wolf found. He wanted this affair over with. Did it scare him to have someone chasing after him with such single-minded determination? Yes. But Rowan was angrier than he was scared. Henri had always said he had less sense than he should. Of course, Rowan had sort of thought Henri was affectionately joking. Maybe he wasn't.
He listened to the discussion around them, trying to pay attention to it all while also monitoring Cris. He added a detail here and there.
"I don't know how quickly they heal but for the time being he might have a broken face," Rowan said grimly. "And it was approximately seven and a half inches. The knife."
He had a very good idea of the size of the blade, having recently explored the stab wounds it had left. He was very careful to enunciate, for he was sore and tired and worried for Cris and upset about the loss of yet another innocent and he could feel himself slipping into a thick accent that he knew not everyone would be able to follow.
Cris's weakness made him feel anxious all over again. Even though he knew for a fact that Cris was going to be just fine in a couple days, possibly faster, it still rattled him to know how much differently this encounter could have gone... and how badly he would hurt if his partner were killed. Perhaps in time he would adjust to the dangers of Cris's job but Rowan had never experienced a feeling like this for anyone before. Now he understood what all of those husbands and wives and mothers and fathers felt, not through experiencing their emotions via empathy but because his own were tearing him up. He made a mental note to write Henri an apology for all the stupid shit he'd done in the last twelve hundred years.
God damn, that was going to be a long note. Maybe he could summarize.
When Cris asked if there was anything he'd forgotten Rowan glared at everyone in turn from over his partner's head, certain Cris could not see him, daring them to try to come up with something forgotten. His greyish eyes became steely and hard; anything forgotten could wait. He wanted this killer caught - yes, but Rowan had chosen his priority there on that side street when he knew, just knew, that someone was dying in a burning building close by but Cris lay there injured at his feet. There were a million killers on this planet and exponentially more children, but only one Cris.
He, too, had been following the conversation though, and he didn't think Cris had left anything out. Of course, Rowan did not belong to Security. The mysteries he solved were physiological. He did manage to nod toward his coat, letting both Ume and Gary know where the note was. Rowan didn't want to look at it again. He was pretty sure his brief look at it had been plenty. He still remembered the poem.
As Cris turned his head into Rowan's neck Rowan set the basin on the bedside table once more and lifted his hand to gently caress his partner's head. Cris's voice and request were met with some surprise. Did Cris really think Rowan meant to keep him here?
[Of course, love. Of course we're going home. I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else. I just needed the supplies I knew I'd find here, earlier. Everything is fine now. Just promise me you will keep your word and truly let me care for you.]
Cris wasn't going to so much as raise a finger to help himself in the next forty eight hours or so if Rowan had any say in it. As he had cared so conscientiously for Rowan, so would Rowan return the favor. [I'm sorry too, Cris, but we're going to find him. After you get some rest, we can go over everything together if you like. Two heads are always better than one and this wolf cannot do this forever. We're getting closer.]
He just needed Cris whole and well again. He felt horribly guilty about his own emotions, now that the adrenaline rush was fading, but the facts still remained. He, the doctor, the vampire who liked children so much he made a living caring for them, would leave another one to burn in a building if it meant Cris's safety. And another. And another.
Rowan realized with some surprise that he had begun to cry. There was no sound, no shaking, no sniffling or anything, but sure as vampires drank blood there were tears coming from the corners of his eyes to track down his face. He looked down at the top of Cris's head and made sure the subterfuge was up as hard as he could manage. He regained control of himself quickly.
"Is there anything more?" he asked softly. "Anything that we need to cover right now?"

No one came up with anything else. Cris was sure there was probably something that he was forgetting to add, check on, have done or something else. He supposed that he could always send to Ume if he thought of it.
He would have smiled at Rowan's sending if the expression didn't stretch his face. It was a sign of how well Rowan's drugs were working that doing it earlier had not caused him the pain that it normally would have. Now that he was slightly more alert such automatic responses were being checked by his brain a little more. [Good] Cris sighed softly, leaning more into his partner. He really did want to go home and curl up with Rowan. Normally he would not have allowed himself nearly so much luxury, unless Alfarinn demanded it, but now he was no longer alone and his self-damaging behavior would hurt more than himself. It was also clear that Rowan was determined not to let him do it. Cris realized that it took finding someone to love and care about to make him see that there was more for him than work. Rowan taught him how to enjoy life again and that it was okay to take time for himself and the people he loved. [I promise.] He answered Rowan's requirement. For a few days anyway.
Cris's lips quirked upward before he could stop them and he added. [Its hard to look dignified while naked on a hospital bed.]
When Rowan asked if there was anything else they needed to cover, Cris resisted the urge to shake his head. He gave himself a pat on the back for remembering that much. Though it was hard to forget with the ever present uneasy feeling that any wrong move could be the one to cause him to hurl.
"No†His voice was better. There was still a little hitch in his breathing that reminded him that something was wrong and that without drugs every breath would be painful. Cris turned slowly to face the rest of the people in the room. Doing his best to look as much his calm collected, unruffled and certainly not green, self as he could manage. He regarded everyone and said. "Dismissed.â€
Gary and Ume stood to leave with well wishes and promises to do their best on the things he had requested. That left Alfarinn, the nurse and Rowan, of course.
He looked at Alfarinn and his friend regarded him in return. Alfarinn then slowly smiled. "Oh, was that for me too, Starbuck?†Cris actually stopped short of saying yes. One did not dismiss an Elder, even if he was your best friend.
Alfarinn got up and crossed the room to stand next to the bed. He gave Rowan a gentle squeeze on the shoulder and then leaned over and kissed Cris softly on the forehead. Cris blinked up and him unsure what to say to that. Alfarinn had turned back to Rowan. "Take care of him.â€
His friend then looked at him. "Behave. I promise you that everything will be fine. We know a lot more than we did.â€
Alfarinn turned and left and then stopped at the doorway. "He is just one werewolf and that is no match for an entire clan.†Looking back at both of them, he added. "And that is what he is dealing with.â€
"Have a good night.†Alfarinn waved a hand at them both from over his shoulder.
Cris sighed softly and turned into Rowan once more. "I don't suppose I can convince you to carry me again...†He might have been embarrassed having to be carried to his room not long ago but since then people have wondered about his love life, he had crawled out of an elevator, he had kissed his partner right out in front of a crowd in The Towers. Having Rowan carry him to their home did not seem so bad at all.
((OOC: Our inspirational Leader in Blue ))

He was still being very still, trying not to upset the delicate balance Cris had found to not be sick, but when Cris mentioned looking dignified Rowan bit back a chuckle. Instead he gently brushed his fingers over Cris's hair again, saving the laugh for his return sending. [You aren't completely naked, but next time I'll make sure everything comes off.]
Rowan wasn't naive enough as to think there would never be a next time. Cris's job was dangerous and his partner wasn't the type to sit safely in his office and let others take risks for him. Rowan understood. It didn't make it easy to watch, but he did understand. He was glad to be here, though, because in his mind no one could patch Cris up better than he could. He knew his lover's body in and out, and he was getting an idea how Cris behaved when injured. He filed every fact away for future reference, learning what things set Cris more at ease, which ones made him more tense.
Ume and Gary left. Alfarinn remained for a moment while Joanna began to clean. The Elder came close and his words to Rowan made the redhead nod just once. "I will, sir," he responded, looking down at Cris's slender frame nestled in his arms. "As best as I can."
He smiled faintly at the gentle kiss Alfarinn touched to Cris's forehead. There was no jealousy on Rowan's part, no insecurity. He was perfectly safe in Cris's love and more than willing to share that love around. Cris had told him he and Alfarinn had never been intimate and Rowan believed him, but that didn't mean there was no love between hem all the same, and that was apparent in Alfarinn's gesture. It had to be difficult to relinquish Cris to Rowan's care and walk away, although with their bond Rowan supposed they were never truly far apart.
Rowan nodded again at Alfarinn's words of encouragement. "Thank you," he said softly as the Elder turned to leave. It meant a lot to him, to have an entire Clan at his back. Rowan did not like this sort of thing; what he'd said to Cris earlier that week in the hospital was very true - in his day, you knew someone was coming after you and you faced each other head on, swords or pistols drawn, your crew at your back. This wolf slinking around, dropping messages out of nowhere, killing innocents, angered Rowan more than he could express. Why could they not simply meet in an alleyway and duke it out until one of them was dead? That had worked just fine four hundred years ago.
Cris's soft sigh brought him back to the hospital room, the question that followed it causing Rowan to gently squeeze in a very slight hug. "I have no intention of making you try to stagger down the hallway on your own steam, sweetheart," he murmured softly. "You're mine now. You promised."
He leaned down and kissed the top of Cris's head. A few quick words to Joanna and she was on her way around the small surgery, gathering the items Rowan requested of her. He disconnected the IV line and capped it off for the moment, intending to take the stand and the bags of blood with them.
Rowan slid off the hospital bed without moving his arm so he could still support Cris. Standing, he leaned down. "Hold on, love. I'll be as gentle as I can."
Cris weighed nothing to a man of Rowan's size and strength, even injured. Rowan's arm complained as he lifted Cris but it was the complaint of knitting flesh; he was already healing. The wounds were deep but nothing major was cut and he should be fine by morning, if not sooner. Blood would help but first he must care for Cris, for as Cris couldn't rest until he had Security in order, Rowan could not rest until he too had done his job.
He lifted Cris carefully, knowing his partner felt rocky. Fortunately their home was close by. Rowan made the trip as quickly and smoothly as possible. Joanna came along, bringing the supplies Rowan had asked for as far as the entry way to the apartment. Rowan stopped her there, thanking her and apologizing for not cleaning up surgery.
"It's my job, Doctor," she said with a small smile. "I will check in on you later, if that's all right, but please let me know if you need anything more."
As she closed the door behind her Rowan made his way up the stairs to their bedroom, Cris still safely tucked into his arms. He went straight to bed; he had cleaned Cris's wounds thoroughly while Cris was out and he wanted his partner to sleep while still relatively pain free. A hot soak would do more harm then good on open wounds, even though to Rowan it had great appeal for his right side was a mess of bruising skin after being used as a trampoline for both Gary and a wolf.
Rowan arranged the pillows on the bed to help support Cris, and then sat down with his partner in his lap. With a sigh of his own he wrapped his arms fully around Cris and held him for a few seconds, letting everything settle from the brief trip.
"Think you can stand a drink, love? It might actually help at this point."
Now that Cris was, hopefully, over the worst of the side effects, blood might help finish the job.
"I'm going to keep the IV running but if you think you can keep it down, it would be helpful."
He tilted his neck away from Cris, exposing it and holding his partner close. Fortunately his uninjured cheek was turned toward Cris at the moment; he didn't want Cris to be reminded that he was also injured. Rowan would be fine. His need was nowhere near as dire as Cris's and he suspected both he and his lover would have visitors.

He closed his eyes and pressed his lips tight together as his partner moved around and carefully picked him up. There was very little jostling and he was thankful for that. He was also grateful that Rowan's arm went under the wounds on his back. Cris was sure that he would not be happy to rest his entire weight on those for a bit. All of his back was one large bruise though so it was not the most comfortable ride, however it was currently still tolerable, especially with the warm blankets wrapped around him to cushion the place where he rested in Rowan's arms.
They made it up the stairs and his lover sat down with him on the bed. Cris sighed softly, happy to be home. He felt thankful that they were both in mostly one piece. He hated having Rowan in the middle of a fight; though his lover handled himself quite well. Cris was also still angry with himself or perhaps fate that they did not catch the werewolf this time. Now the killer knew that there were other people watching Rowan, unseen. He had hoped to keep that little secret until the successful end of this mission.
Rowan brought him out of his musing by asking him if he thought he could take a drink. His partner then leaned his neck artfully to the side for him. Cris looked up at Rowan for a long moment, wondering if his lover thought he did not remember that they were both injured. He was drugged and tired but he had not taken too many blows to the head.
However, he knew that Rowan wanted to take care of him. Cris reached up and gently brushed his fingers through his lover's red hair, tucking it carefully behind his ear and away from his injured cheek. Meeting Rowan's eyes, he said. "Only if you promise to go get something to drink for yourself tonight.â€
Easing toward his lover's neck, Cris pressed his lips against Rowan's warm skin for a long moment before carefully sinking his fangs into his partner's neck. He drank slowly, sucking gently, letting the blood seep into his mouth and only occasionally drawing it forth with minimal encouragement. This was more for his sense of stability than any need of Rowan's. He would not have been demanding on his injured partner in any case. Cris stopped before taking very much and leaned back.
His lover's blood was wonderful and familar, precious and needed. The blood actually made him feel better and less sick. It seemed to help him feel more alert and balanced, as if it were cleansing his body of the toxins that were in it. Which was one of the many things that blood did for a vampire; however those toxins were keeping the pain at bay. Perhaps there should be drinking and drugs, both in moderation. Cris decided to leave those details up to the professional in the room.
Looking down at the bed and the pillows propped up, he said. "I think I would prefer to lay on my stomach, please.†The deepest cut ached every time he breathed and the other ones didn't feel much better. He didn't want to lean on them even with soft pillows. Instead, he could lay on his stomach with this head turned to the side that was not slashed. The upside of this position was that it would be a short lean toward a bucket placed by the bed.

He didn't think for a moment that the entire night would pass without their having visitors or well-wishers, and Rowan wasn't worried. They would very likely all offer blood and he would certainly take one or more of them up on it. He did not want to leave Cris for any reason, for any length of time, and many of their friends would know that. Rowan would have done the same for any of them.
Most importantly Rowan didn't want Cris to think he needed to worry about his partner. Cris was spending the majority of his time worrying about Rowan, and right now Cris just needed to focus on Cris. To that end, Rowan promised to be very good. "I will take care of both of us," he said. "I promise, I won't neglect myself."
Not much, anyway. He would worry about most of it later. For now he wanted to be with Cris, that would help him the most. He felt his partner turn toward him, and he couldn't repress a shiver as Cris's mouth came down lightly upon his neck. Even before biting, Cris could elicit this response from him. Rowan didn't move, though, knowing now was neither the time nor the place. Still, it was all he could do to remain still as Cris pierced into his neck and drank slowly. Rowan did not bite back a long, low moan of pleasure. His body's response was instant and fierce, and he enjoyed the sensations that rippled through him as Cris drank languorously, lightly.
His partner didn't take much and Rowan did not encourage him to. It would be better to drink a little at a time for now. When Cris pulled away Rowan let out a soft sigh. His partner wished to lay on his stomach and Rowan felt that however Cris wanted to lay was how Cris should lay.
"Do you need another painkiller?" he asked as he eased Cris away from him with infinite patience. Making the transition to a new position took a great deal of strength but Rowan had it; he moved with excruciating slowness to place Cris gently upon the bed as he had requested without hurting him.
Once he had gotten Cris as comfortable as possible Rowan leaned over and kissed his temple lightly. "I'll be right back," he said.
He went downstairs and retrieved the supplies from the clinic. He set the IV line up once more to continue its steady drip into the catheter that was still in Cris's arm. A constant flow would keep him mending while he slept. He also retrieved a heating pad from his stash of useful doctor things. This he plugged in, turned to its lowest setting, and tucked into the blanket over Cris's back.
Rowan stripped his own clothing off, then, and bent down to Cris once more. "Will you be all right here for a few minutes? I don't want to leave you but I'm fairly grimy."
And covered in blood, and he would dirty their bed considerably. "Send to me if anything at all is wrong, but I will make it very quick."

His partner helped situate him very carefully; it was very endearing how much care Rowan was taking with him. Being watched over was different, at least like this. Certainly others had cared for him, often times Alfarinn if he was around when something dire occurred, but there was a different kind of attention. Cris couldn't decide what about it felt different, more special but it did. Maybe he would sort it out later.
After he was tucked into bed with a kiss, Rowan then asked him if he wanted another pain killer. "nhh mmmm.†Cris mumbled into the pillow and then realized that did not sound entirely coherent. "m'good.â€
He would rather lay still and let the blood do its work and maybe drift off to sleep. Save the painkillers for when he really needed them again. Cris listened to Rowan gathering things up downstairs, his eyelids growing heavier. He was home; Rowan was here. Everything was okay now.
Cris opened his eyes when Rowan came back upstairs and started setting up the IV. He then rumaged around and came back to the bed with a heating pad and placed it under the blankets. Humming a satisfied sound, Cris closed his eyes again.
Rowan asked if he would be okay alone for a few minutes. Cris wanted to smile and say he would try not to get into any trouble. Talking seemed like too much effort though. [I'm okay. Get Clean.] He half wished he could also but the rest of him didn't want to move. [Send, got it....Use soap.]

He smiled softly at Cris's sleepy voice and the faint tenor in his head. With a final light brush of his fingertips over Cris's brow, Rowan headed into the bathroom, picking up his discarded clothing and depositing them into the laundry basket on the way.
[Soap, an excellent idea, my dear. I'll keep it in mind.]
His shower was rather fast; as promised, he made very quick work of it. It was a painful experience. The wolf had dug into his arm fairly deeply and Rowan had yanked it out of his mouth before those jaws could crush it, but that had been at the expense of a good deal of skin and muscle. Easier to mend those than bone, though, Rowan had reasoned at the time. He stood by that decision too. But hot water and soap felt pretty rough on the wounds.
The cut on his wrist was no longer bleeding, and his face and arm had begun to mend. He was hungry but he wasn't going to go hunt. Not only did he not want to leave Cris but the night's experience was still too close. He just didn't want to go out right now.
He answered instinctively. The voice in his head was new, deeper, a soothing, mellow baritone that was familiar to him although he couldn't place it right away. He didn't need to; the sender identified himself almost immediately.
[This is Kem. I just finished hearing about what happened tonight. Are you both all right?]
There was an apologetic overtone to the words and Rowan took a moment to understand where it was coming from. Of course they weren't all right, obviously Kem understood that but what other words would he use? Rowan nodded to himself, grateful the Elder had chosen to send to him and not Cris, who was hopefully catching a little sleep out in the bed.
[As well as can be expected, sir,] Rowan responded while shutting off the water in the shower and grabbing his towel. He dried his body off hastily and then scrubbed at his hair until it, too, was only damp.
[I'd like to come by with Aishe if that's all right,] Kem said. [Unless you would rather we wait. She's... a little anxious about Cris.]
Rowan could read between the lines. Aishe was probably going out of her mind with worry. Rowan knew how much she adored her Creator. Even if he hadn't sneaked in a look with empathy once or twice it was very obvious to even the casual observer. He smiled at the memory of her blunt questioning outside Barney's a few months before; the loving daughter looking out for her independent, stubborn parent.
[I think that would be fine, but let me check with him first,] Rowan responded to Kem. While he knew Cris wouldn't be thrilled about having too many visitors while he was looking less than his best, he didn't think he'd object to seeing his daughter. Children needed reassurance, no matter how old they were. He did think, though, that Cris might be surprised at the number of well-wishers wanting him to get better. Darth Bern he might be, but he was one fairly well-loved sith vampire.
Rowan rebandaged his arm and his wrist, then covered his cheek back up. He was healing well but no one really needed to see him looking all meaty and gross. Padding back out into the bedroom he dressed himself quickly in cotton boxers, a pair of cool cotton pajama pants, and a plain black tee. Then he located Cris's 'work' pajamas, simple, black, and easy to get into and out of.
Crossing the room back to his partner Rowan eased himself down on the bed next to Cris. "Aishe would like to come see that you're all right," he said softly. "Is that okay with you? I don't mind chasing everyone away for now."
He wasn't sure how much sleep Cris would get just yet. The first part of the healing process would be the most painful. Resting quietly and comfortably might be the best he got for a little bit. It might be that a visitor or two would be a good distraction, or it might be that the remaining drugs in his system were enough to help him drowse off. Rowan left it up to Cris, although he was pretty determined that any such visitations be short unless Cris expressed a desire otherwise. Sleep did need to happen, but quiet and comfort would do too.
((ooc: Kem in blue))

Sleeping through just about anything while remaining easy to wake was an acquired soldiering skill. He had slept on the ground, a moving horse cart, up against a wall, leaned against a tree, in broad daylight (though not lately), through mortar fire, and many other less than optimal sleeping situations. He had mastered the art of snatching small bits of sleep whenever he could take them and he still did that. It helped him stay alert while working long hours. Cris wished that Rowan was able to do the same but his lover's vampire metabolism did not allow him to work that way. He had to admit that Rowan really seemed to get good deep sleep when he got the chance to get it. Except for lately.
It seemed that just a few moments had gone by before Rowan was sitting down next to him again. He said something about Aishe wanting to come see if he was all right. Cris woke up a little more at that.
"I'm...fine, Aishe. S'ok.†Cris 'sent' to his daughter and then tucked the pillow more securely under his head with his good arm.
One eye cracked open and looked at Rowan still seated next to him and not getting into bed. There were pajamas in his hand. Oh, right, they were wanting to come over now. "Ok. Company is good.†He didn't mind. It was much different than how this convalescence thing normally went for him but Cris thought he liked the change.

Having just made a thorough exploration of Cris's injuries Rowan had a rather exact idea of where his lover was injured the most. Combined with a good deal of experience in human anatomy, he actually knew how to dress a patient while causing minimal pain. Getting Cris into his clothing could have been far worse, but there were still pain medications on board and Rowan was very careful about moving the parts on Cris that were hurt the worst. He couldn't avoid discomfort entirely, but let it not be said that his knowledge of anatomy wasn't useful!
By the time he had gotten Cris comfortable again, he had been able to tell Kem and Aishe to come on over, and he assumed they'd be there soon. They were often in the Towers, since they both worked there, and Rowan got the impression that Kem worked hours just as long as he or Cris.
Sure enough, there was soon a light knock on the door. Rowan smiled at his lover, bent to kiss him softly, and said, "I'll let them in."
Barefoot, he headed down the stairs and opened the door. It was indeed Kem and Aishe, and he stepped out from in front of the door to let them in. Aishe reached up to hug him tightly and he squeezed her back.
"You look awful," Aishe said softly, her brow wrinkling in worry.
"Thanks love, now I know not to trust my stylist's opinion on anything." Good humor was Rowan's friend, and it was easy to slip into a cheerful front. Aishe looked briefly mortified and Rowan let her off the hook, laughing softly and aiming her at the stairs. "Go see your Creator," he said, giving her a friendly little nudge. She glanced over her shoulder but headed up the stairs as recommended.
Rowan and Kem remained downstairs. Rowan turned to see the Nachton Elder watching him with folded arms and a quirked up eyebrow.
Rowan raised both of his in return. "Really," he said convincingly. "The man told me chicks dig scars."
((ooc: empathy with permission))

He did chuckle at Rowan's humor. "I wouldn't know," he said. "I just hang out with the one. Chick, not stylist."
He looked around the living room, which showed no hint that last week they had all been in here nursing Rowan back to health after his brush with fire. Still, he shook his head. "We have got to stop meeting this way."
Rowan tilted his head with a question in his eyes and Kem smiled, extending his arm. In soft German he said, "Drink. Please. Heal yourself up and stay here with Cris."
To his credit, Rowan didn't even attempt to make a show of politely declining. Kem appreciated that; he didn't want to have to argue. Instead, the red-haired vampire took what was offered, with an expression of gratitude. Kem was momentarily glad he'd chosen to lean against the wall, for when Rowan's fangs pierced into his wrist he felt what Aishe had described - the overwhelming sensation of pure carnal pleasure. Damn, Rowan, he thought. It wasn't an uncommon feeling from a vampire's bite. Just an exceptionally strong one.
When Rowan released him there was a look of recognition on his pleasing features. "So that was you last week, too," he mused. "I have to thank you twice."
Kem shook his head. "Not necessary. I have a feeling you'd have done the same."
He was rewarded with an enthusiastic nod. He liked Rowan; by all accounts he and Cris were good for each other. Kem was sorry they'd only ever met under trying circumstances. That, he was sure, would change. For now, though, he was glad to know another Clanmate and equally glad that Cris seemed happy with him.

Treading softly up into the loft she took in the sight before her, her Creator lying still in bed on side side but angled slightly upwards with pillows to support him, an IV stand tucked back against the wall with a line draped over the headboard to disappear into Cris's arm. On the one hand it frightened Aishe to see the IV. On the other, though, she appreciated the fact that Rowan was a doctor and Cris was in very good hands.
She hurried over to the side of the bed and pulled the ottoman over to sit on it instead of shifting the mattress. Aishe took Cris's hand, which was unbandaged and looked uninjured, and kissed it gently.
"Oh Cris. I'm sorry you're hurt," she said. She didn't like seeing him this way. He was Cris. He was immortal, he was untouchable, he couldn't be hurt!
Releasing his hand quickly, she turned and reached down into the shoulder bag she carried with her. Pulling out a bit of tin foil, she handed it to her Creator.
"Shaweh wanted you to have this," she said, her lips turning up at the corners. "It is his prized collection. When I explained to him that you weren't feeling well, he seemed adamant that you should have them."
Placing the tin foil in Cris's hand, she opened it for him. Inside were several pieces of metal, nuts, bolts, and screws, all painstakingly polished (in the cat's water bowl).
"I don't know what half of them are," she said apologetically, "but if it helps, our neighbor's lawnmower hasn't worked in a week."

Rowan left to answer the door and he could hear the voices from downstairs. It was nice to hear them all in the house; he just wished that it was for more pleasant reasons.
Listening to the voices downstairs almost made him drift off again. He opened his eyes as he heard Aishe's steps near the top of the strairs. Half smiling at her, he said. "I'd get up but the doctor would then strap me down to the bed.†Which in other circumstances might be fun but not right now.
Aishe said she was sorry he was hurt; Cris laughed softly. "That makes two of us.†He squeezed her hand in return, hoping to reassure her that he was okay. Not great but not hovering around death's door either.
The gift she handed him made Cris smile, which started to hurt. It was still worth it. Her raccoon was adorable and incredibly thoughtful. He found himself quite touched by Shaweh's gift. Cris couldn't help but laugh again when Aishe said the neighbor's lawnmower hadn't been working. A perverse part of him wanted to adopt this raccoon and let him loose in the mall area of The Towers. Even better, Grisha's book store. Then he remembered who would get the calls for any mischief. Ah well, it might still be worth it.
He carefully set the collection on the nightstand. "I will have to show Rowan.†Cris gazed happily at the ball of bits and then turned back to Aishe. "I guess there was no hard feelings about almost arresting him? Tell him thank you for me.†When he was feeling better he would have to make Shaweh a gift or two in return.
Cris wondered whether he could make a toy that would entertain the cat and the raccoon at the same time. A group of toys, one with a control built inside of it to drive the other toy like a remote control as Shaweh spins the first one around in his hands. He thought that would possible and probably quite entertaining to watch.
"I still have my confiscated grenade in my desk drawer.†Cris loved the water balloon with the sharpy marked label so that one could tell what the weapon was supposed to be. Word had gotten around that a practical joke had been played on him. Of course, word also got around that he had both of the people responsible for the joke arrested. The rest of the story seemed to be hazy according to the gossip. He was not sure he was getting a reputation for being softer and more human than people expected or if Rowan was gaining a reputation as a saint for putting up with him.

"You did the glamour too, then," Rowan said, observing the Elder closely. The man seemed casually laid back. Was he always so low-key? Kem nodded, odd white hair slipping back over his shoulders.
"I'm not very good at it yet," he said with a wry smile, "but if it helped, I'm glad."
Rowan nodded, then said, "I can help you with that." He realized how presumptuous that must sound, and gave a soft laugh. "If you want, that is. I've been doing it for centuries. I can show you a few tricks if you like."
A ghost of a smile passed over Kem's lips. Did the man ever have a true facial expression, or was it always just in little pops of emotion here and there? "I'd like that," he said.
Rowan glanced up the stairs, to where he could hear the soft murmur of voices. He wasn't sure he could stand it any more. He wanted to be up there. Kem had turned to look, as well, and they glanced at each other at the same time.
"We may as well join them," Rowan said. "Thank you... again."
He turned and jogged quickly back up the stairs, into their bedroom, and sat on the end of the bed resting his hand lightly on top of Cris's blanket-covered feet.