Breaking the Ice
Alfarinn sat in the Tower Lounge nursing a glass of white wine. It was rarely his drink of choice but tonight that was what he was in the mood for. Perhaps it was the warmer weather or maybe Crispin's happier mood brought out the romantic in him.
He thought of his own blond with a wistful sigh, wishing Thaddeus was next to him, gloved hand entwined with his. At least he could mentally and emotionally reach out and touch his partner. Alfarinn did so, careful not to disturb his lover's concentration. Comforted by the familiar feel of Thaddeus's focused and organized thoughts while he was working on something requiring his full attention, he returned his thoughts to Nachton.
This significant other of Cris's intrigued him. Alfarinn watched the people moving to and fro in the lobby and wondered how the two of them met. He knew that the man was a vampire and a clan mate and that made him wonder how he had not come up against the frosty distance that Cris normally erected whenever someone from their own people managed to evoke anything more than friendship from the Security Chief. No matter how it happened, he was very glad that it had. It was long over due.

Taking Rowan's hand, she crossed the dimly lit room until she got to the table with their elder. Crystal let go of her partner and, grasping Alfarinn's shoulders, she bent down and placed a kiss on the man's cheek.
"So good to see you again. Arin."
Smiling, she turned back to her companion. "Alfarinn, this is Rowan. Rowan, Alfarinn."
Crystal waited as her partner pulled out her chair for her and then sat down, crossing her legs and straightening the hem of her dress. She reached out and placed her hand on Rowan's leg. [You look sexy tonight, Love, I know I forgot to mention. I was a bit caught up before but I didn't fail to notice.] Squeezing the leg beneath her hand, she added. [He'll love you I promise. If not, I know where he sleeps...]
((OOC: Dress and Wig))

He watched quietly as Crystal greeted Alfarinn with a kiss, then held her chair for her.
Extending his hand Rowan said, "It's good to meet you sir."
Before seating himself and looking at the Elder of his Clan with his usual open, friendly expression. There may have been a little bit more stubbornness in it than normal but that was only fair; he knew he would be judged in some way shape or form and he refused to come up lacking in any way. He was staying with Cris, in any persona, in any form.
Crystal's hand on his leg made him glance at her. He smiled warmly at her words, voiced into his head in a familiar, beloved voice that seemed at odds with her outward appearance. The use of the endearment had not lost its novelty and Rowan suspected it never would.
[And you're still beautiful, a ghra,] he responded happily. [I don't need -him- to love me. Just to not wait around with a shotgun.] His implication was clear; there was only one person here whose love mattered to Rowan and she was currently sitting next to him.
Rowan assumed an outward manner of calm and confidence, resting his hand atop Crystal's upon his leg. The act was easy for him; no one trusted a nervous, jumpy doctor. Inside he was a little on edge, sure, but anyone would be. Rowan was a very small person in their world and he hadn't done anything to merit a personal introduction to the boss. Yet here he was, prepared to put his best foot forward.

Then he turned his attention to Rowan. "A pleasure to meet you, Rowan." Alfarinn stood enough to reach out and shake the hand that was offered.
Being the empath that he was, he did what came naturally to him; he opened himself to Rowan's feelings. The redhead's anxiety and nervousness washed over him first because Rowan was focused on him, but as soon and the man sat down with Cris, Alfarinn felt the change of focus immediately. There was so much love there that he was taken aback a moment, and simply looked between the two of them. Beyond that there was desire and anticipation, he suspected that was directed toward the rest of their evening after dinner.
He returned his focus to Cris, raising one eyebrow when he found that the wall of subterfuge that the Chief of Security seemed to wear as a matter of habit was down for the moment. Alfarinn received an innocent expression in return. His own habits were well known and no doubt Cris was leaving himself open for his benefit.
Through the bond, Cris was easier to read with his empathy than just about anyone, making his feelings towards Rowan so clear and and strong that it took a moment to distinguish them from his own. He quickly clamped down with his own subterfuge and with a cough, took a long swallow of his wine to steady himself.
For a brief moment he would have sworn that he was madly in love with the redhead across from him, the one that he didn't even know, and the desire he felt was strong enough to make him want to throw Rowan down on the table and make love to him right there in front of everyone. Thankfully after a moment or two alone in his own head, the feelings faded.
[Remind me, not to do that again. M'kay?]
Alfarinn looked at Rowan and smiled. "It seems you've done the impossible. I congratulate you on managing to get Crystal away from work. How did you manage that?"

Flipping her hand over, she entwined her fingers with the ones that came to rest on top of her own. Amused at Rowan's sending, Cris replied [I wonder if he knows how to use a shotgun... More likely he would come at you with a great sword. However, he's an empath. I know what he is going to see and so do you. So what is there to worry about, Love? You make me happy and that's all that will matter.]
She watched Alfarinn cough and take a swallow. Through the bond, before Alfarinn broke off his empathy, the feelings he felt were strong and completely not his own. Cris was startled at the strength of those emotions, mirrored back through his friend and a bit disconcerted to feel someone else feel such love for Rowan. -His- love for Rowan.
[I'd prefer you not do it again either so that is a promise. Spill it. What is your first impression?]
Crystal turned to Rowan and smiled as Alfarinn asked about managing the impossible. The waiter came then and she ordered a glass of the same crisp white wine that Alfarinn had; though it was clear he now needed another.
"Call me Cris, its fine." [That way its clear what you're asking.] Cris sent to first one and then the other. Perhaps he should have chosen another night to be complicated.
((OOC: The swaps between Crystal and Cris might be confusing but were intentional. ))

[That's certainly all that matters to me,] he sent to Cris. [Especially if you keep calling me that.]
Across the table, Alfarinn coughed and gulped at his wine. Rowan raised one eyebrow. Interesting reaction. One could make certain assumptions about what they would find when they examined a new relationship with empathy. Maybe Alfarinn hadn't expected it from Cris? Rowan didn't understand why not though. He knew it had been a long time but it wasn't as if Christian had never loved before.
Alfarinn addressed a question to Rowan at just about the same time a waiter showed up to take their drink orders. Rather than make him wait Rowan smiled at Crystal while she placed her order and the requested a dry martini for himself.
Only after the waiter turned away and left did Rowan consider the question, squeezing Crystal's hand once more in understanding.
"I got her drunk and then took advantage of her," Rowan replied with an air of innocence. "After that she didn't have the heart to turn me away."
At least, he might have taken advantage of Cris. Or it might have been the other way around. He had no idea.

[My first impression?] Alfarinn's gaze drifted over to the redhead and he smiled. [was that he's good man. He was following you when you both came in and he was looking at you and he looked happy and you looked happy, Cris. So please tell me you're going to keep him.]
He listened to Rowan's explanation of how the two of them met and Alfarinn's eyebrows rose. "Cris...alcohol?" Alfarinn held onto the table and looked around the room, asking in a hushed tone. "Did the apocalypse happen and I failed to get the memo?" He smiled at the redhead. "Well, you must have been really good to get that kind of reaction out of her after taking advantage of her. I'm impressed."
Becoming more serious, Alfarinn smiled. "However it happened, I am glad it did. Its good to see Cris happy."
Taking another sip of his wine, he asked. "So what do you do when you're not out taking advantage of pretty young blonds?"

Crystal looked up when the waiter came back in short order with a bottle of wine. Of course, Alfarinn had been drinking it already. Taking a sip of it, Cris listened to his friend's first impression of Rowan.
[Yes, I plan on keeping him so long as he continues to let me.]
Glaring at Alfarinn's mock surprise, Crystal sighed softly. "It has been known to happen. Once or twice, it has just been ages since I've been that drunk..." Cris looked over at Rowan and smiled tenderly. "However while the alcohol might have gotten him in the door; it was his charming good nature that made me want him to stay."
Crystal smiled and quirked an eyebrow at her friend. "Why, Arin, I didn't know you found me pretty."

Rowan nodded at the returning waiter who brought both wine and martini. Sipping at his drink he raised his eyebrows at Alfarinn's dramatic reaction and flashed him a grin. "In my defense the alcohol was more by accident than by design."
He listened to the banter between Cris and Alfarinn with a soft smile; while not quite as spirited as he and Eiryk, it had the same ring to it. It was fun to hear. Alfarinn clearly cared about Cris and the feeling was obviously mutual. Rowan felt no jealousy, just gladness. At least Cris, the self-proclaimed unapproachable, anti-social Cris, had one person looking out for him before Rowan came along.
Cris's compliment was met with a soft laugh. "I'm charming when I'm confused and late for work?" But his own eyes were equally loving as they rested upon Crystal's face and looked into her green eyes, confident and happy with what he saw within. He glanced at Alfarinn. "I was afraid Cris would overthink the whole thing and I'd come home to find a pink slip on my apartment door or something."
He regarded his Elder seriously when he mentioned Cris's happiness. "I'm going to do everything I can to keep her that way." He turned back to Cris. Leaning forward in his chair, unconcerned by the setting or their company, Rowan gently brushed his fingers over Crystal's jaw and softly kissed her lips.
Sitting back he smiled. "Anyone who isn't blind would find you pretty." He reconsidered. "Most blind people probably would too."
He sipped at his martini again and considered Alfarinn's question. The answer had gotten somewhat more complicated since starting his new job. "Short answer, I'm a doctor, sir," he said. "Long answer, I'm the only pediatrician at my clinic but the fact that I have multiple fields of specialization means that they use me in many different areas and I am at the hospital more than I'm at Liefde, sadly."
He glanced toward Cris through half-lowered lashes as he drank again. "I need to fix that."

He listened to the easy banter between the two of them and smiled softly, taking another sip of his wine. The waiter showed up with the shot he had ordered, placing it on the table. Alfarinn held up a hand to him, knocked the shot back and then gave the waiter the empty glass with a thank you.
Turning back to the other two at the table, he smiled at Rowan. "That must have been some night."
At the tender display of affection, he bowed his head, smiling slightly and thought of Thaddeus for a moment. There were many such moments through out his nights but seeing Cris and Rowan so happy did remind him of what love looked like when it was still so very new.
"Yes, Darling, I've always been captivated by those pretty green eyes." Alfarinn smiled at Crystal and nodded to Rowan. "I agree, quite probably some of the blind ones too."
As it turned out his Security Chief had found a care giver. Rowan explained that he was a doctor and a pediatrician specifically. He thought they were perfectly suited for each other. Some people might find that odd; Alfarinn found that appropriate. Crispin was one of the most caring people he knew; he just showed it differently. Cris was a protector and it didn't take being a member of the clan to spark that paternal instinct He had seen Crispin spend night after night watching the house of a woman he'd met in a bar who seemed to be the victim of domestic abuse, jump into a brawl without hesitation if he thought someone was going to get hurt and many other such things. He was glad that his friend found someone who seemed to understand that about his friend.
Cocking his head to the side, he glanced over at Cris and then back at Rowan. "That's very interesting. A doctor even. Our sweet little Crystal is in good hands then. I am sure you've noticed she's something of a workaholic herself. Hopefully you'll both manage to find more time off."

"Yes, you are quite charming, even while confused and late for work." Musing thoughtfully, Crystal added "Having to rush off so quickly might have made me consider that pink slip...but it was for a good cause and that was charming too." She watched Alfarinn knock back a shot and then hand back the glass with mild concern. The man seemed to be drinking more now that he was away from Thaddeus. While they had been searching for Megan it had been much worse but while the Anantya had been in Alfarinn's life the Elder had drank at an almost normal pace.
Rowan's words and gentle affection brought Cris's thoughts back to present. Sighing happily at the tender kiss, Crystal smiled, blushing slightly at the sweet words that accompanied the quick embrace.
She listened as her companion explained what he did for a living. Crystal didn't fail to see the glance that Alfarinn gave her and knew what he was thinking. The Towers needed a doctor. If Rowan was not so happy with his work then it would be the perfect suggestion; especially considering the very handy living arrangements.
"Yes, you do." Crystal smiled at Rowan. "My boss is a slave driver." Crystal smiled sweetly and took a sip of her wine.

Rowan smiled; apparently Cris was going to let him tell the story of how he'd managed to worm his way into Cris's heart. He thought Cris was better equipped to tell it, since Rowan wasn't sure himself. He just knew he was lucky to be where he was. At any rate he hoped he'd given his date something to think about while he summed it up for Alfarinn.
"We played a drinking game at Eiryk's place. Cris fought a good fight but she faded out before the movie ended. I helped her home, that's all." He smiled and shrugged. "Unfortunately once I'd gotten there I had used up my own remaining measure of sobriety. By some miracle she didn't kick me out the next morning. I'm not sure why but I do know how lucky I am."
As Alfarinn knocked back his shot Rowan caught Crystal's concerned expression. It was mild, but he was so aware of her every movement that he noted it. It wasn't something he could ask about now though. Or that he should ask about at all; Cris would tell him what was relevant. Rowan didn't care to pry.
Rowan raised his eyebrows at Alfarinn's interest in his job. He lifted his shoulders. "It's just what I like to do. And she may not be in the best hands, but I'm going to do everything I can to keep her happy."
Forever. Rowan would have laughed if someone had told him last year he'd be saying that tonight. But now he didn't want to part from Cris. For any reason.
"I would like to find some time," he said, smiling at the idea. "There are some places I'd like to take her I think she'd enjoy."
Like back to her home and into her bed. Get a grip, he told himself. They had a whole morning ahead of them and he'd managed to talk himself into a bedroom mood already. It might be a very long morning.

His eyebrows rose when there was mention of taking Cris off to visit some places.
"Oh? Well I hear Cris has plenty of vacation stored up if she'd just be pushed into using it." Alfarinn's gaze slid over to his friend. "I am sure the slave driver could be made to see reason. He might even shove you out the door himself."
The waiter returned to take their order. He was not sure whether the other two had had a chance to look at the menu yet so he started, pointing out the grilled chicken, walnut, and apple salad with raspberry dressing.
"Kids are fun. Any particular reason for specializing in rug rat?"

"That was all? You were very good to me." Crystal looked up at Alfarinn. "And you, thank you for the diversion." He had seen the tapes and had heard the stories from the two door guards the next day. They were quite amused that Alfarinn's birds brought him some rare quarter that he had been looking for and were very impressed they knew what to search for, even if what to look for was the big shiny round thing with the ridges instead of the smaller ones. It said a lot for how intelligent Alfarinn's bird friends really were. Of course Cris suspected that the man would have said he was looking for whatever it was that Natt had brought him, even if that was a piece of pocket lint.
She smiled over at Rowan and said. "I -am- in the best hands. I'm confident of that."
They discussed going places and Crystal smiled, turning an amused look upon Alfarinn when he said that the slaver driver might be pushing her out the door. "Is that so? I wonder how much vacation time I've stored up. Perhaps I could take the next decade off...."
Looking up at the waiter, she smiled and said. "The garlic roast chicken with rosemary and lemon please." It looked delicious when another waiter brought it by for a different table.
In playful revenge for the earlier teasing, Crystal waited until the waiter had left again before sliding her hand over to Rowan's crotch. She stroked the fabric there are few times with just enough pressure to be felt through the material before returning her hand to her partner's leg. Taking a sip of wine, Crystal smiled sweetly. [I am having a hard time waiting.]
((OOC: Sorry for the quick posts, hopefully I haven't left anything out. trying to get them done before work! ))

Rowan ducked his head modestly and smiled at Crystal. "I didn't do anything a concerned Clanmate wouldn't do. You chose me... for whatever reason. I'm the lucky one. I don't want to let you down."
On some points, Rowan could be as stubborn as Cris. He knew Cris wouldn't have let anyone in until Cris was ready. It was Cris who had reached out, opened up, and allowed Rowan access to that inner self that so few people seemed to see. If Cris was determined to have such low self-esteem Rowan wasn't going to give into it. He would continue to sing his lover's praises until they were accepted and believed.
He smiled a little smugly at the length of vacation Crystal had accrued. "Well then, that is just about settled," he said with a grin. "When can I take her away? Say, about two weeks to start with? If that goes well we'll work on the next decade."
He hadn't looked at his menu at all so he took a quick glance while Alfarinn and Crystal ordered. "I'll take the scallop alfredo please," he said after a brief look at the seafood section. Maybe because he'd spent such a long time at sea, he enjoyed seafood a great deal.
As the waiter left he felt Crystal's hand move to stroke him through the fabric of his jeans. She wouldn't have to wonder if his earlier teasing had had any effect on him as well; the evidence was pretty clear. He was hard as a rock beneath her hand. [You're not the only one a ghra,] he sent back. [I want you so badly right now. Ah. Very badly.]
He very nearly missed Alfarinn's question but it filtered into his deliriously distracted brain before too long a pause occurred. "Why? Because as you said, they're fun. They still imagine and create and dream and I don't like seeing them sick or injured before they've even had a chance to experience the world."
He didn't mention his own amnesia. Rowan didn't talk about his past easily and while he had opened up to Cris a bit in that regard, Alfarinn did not merit the same level of intimate confession. That was for his partner. No one else.

The two of them were cute but this mutual admiration society needed to end at some point before one of them started spouting poetry. He looked from one to another with small amused grin before shaking his head and taking another sip of his wine.
He frowned at Cris, leaning back and clutching his chest. "A decade?! You're poor boss. How will he ever live without you for that long? No," Alfarinn smiled. "He's bound to get in trouble. You know how he is, immature, totally irresponsible... Danger follows him around like a magnet..." Shrugging, Alfarinn added. "Though if you had your heart set on going then I'm sure he would wish you all the best and hope you would at least send him post cards."
Turning back to Rowan, he agreed. "Yes, children are wonderful like that. There are a lot more here in the Tower than people think. I enjoy watching them play sometimes. There is Theo too. I miss that girl." Alfarinn sighed sadly. "Did I ever tell you about the damn shoes, Crystal?"

"Yes, I chose you and I know you won't let me down." She smiled over at her partner before catching Alfarinn's smile out of the corner of her eye. Sending to Rowan, Cris said [Apparently, we're being mushy at least if that indulgent grin is anything to go by... Yes, his aura says 'amused'] It didn't say much else because, as usual, Alfarinn had his subterfuge in place; however Cris probably got more than most because of the bond between them, especially while sitting this close.
Looking from one of them to the other, Crystal listened while her vacation plans were decided. Raising her eyebrows when her boss asked about how he would live without her, she said. "That -is- a good question. He does seem to get into dangerous situations. I'm not sure how he would get along without me. I sometimes wonder how he's managed to survive this long..." She smiled softly at Alfarinn, giving him a small sigh.
Rowan talked about why he took care of children and Cris thought that his reasons were the best reasons in the world. Alfarinn mentioned the kids in Liefde and that he occasionally played with them. It was actually very endearing to watch; Alfarinn seemed tireless when it came to chasing them around the playground area and was extremely patient with being climbed on like a jungle gym.
He mentioned Theodosia and Crystal smiled. Theo and her sculptures did bring a lot more brightness to the Towers. Alfarinn was not the only one who missed her. [She looked about thirteen; though she and I were the same age. Theo had a childlike quality about her that was fun to be around; if you liked children and didn't mind the occasional oddity. She used to make artwork out of legos sometimes right out in the lobby. I always liked those days.] Shaking her head, Crystal said. "No, what is this about damn shoes?"

Crystal's hand slid further up and Rowan shot her a sideways glance. He was already smiling but he had to make an effort not to let that smile take on a more sultry, smoky quality. Especially if they were trying not to gross Alfarinn out. He did continue to send to her though, because it was intimate and wonderfully frustrating in the best way possible. [You think we'll make it to the front door? I think that's ambitious. I could have you now. On this table. Elder or not.]
He was exaggerating, of course, but he was that turned on. [I can think of plenty of ways to have some fun without ruining either of those. I'd love that ride... but I would kill to touch you right now too. To slide my hand over you. To stroke you until you're crying my name.]
Rowan lost the battle with his smile; it definitely took on at least a more mischievous quality at Crystal's observations. [He can keep indulging the mush,] he sent cheerfully. [From what you've both said it's been long enough since you had a good dose of it. It's good for you. I'm a doctor, I should know.]
He chuckled as he followed along with their banter, but the conversation was moving into an area of unknown where he couldn't really contribute. He did watch, though, noting both Alfarinn's and Crystals words. Rowan reflected on the bond between the two and was momentarily glad that Cris had been so adamant that there was nothing romantic between them. Their back and forth conversation did not strike him as being romantic but were he less secure with Cris the familiarity of it might have made him feel a little jealous, or like an outsider. He had a bit of a possessive streak where Cris was concerned. It wasn't as strong as what he picked up from his lover on occasion but he did feel it.
[She sounds like she'd have been fun to play with,] Rowan sent to Cris as he listened to Alfarinn with interest to hear the shoe story. [How old are you, anyway? I never thought to ask.] How many centuries, exactly, did he have to make up for? He and Cris had never told each other their respective ages. Rowan just assumed Cris was older than he was.

Turning his attention to the story, Alfarinn thought back. "Ah, I think Aishe was there...helping actually." He chuckled softly. "Perhaps you remember Nic? Well it seems a certain Asian, who shall remain nameless but has blue eyes, decided to play a little prank on him. He was wearing loafers, she kept holding onto the heel of them so that Nic would slip out of them." Alfarinn smiled and took a sip of his wine. "Anyway, Nic fell in front of Theo and said he didn't know what was wrong with 'the damn things'. Your darling daughter suggested gluing them to his feet and asked Theo, of all people, if she had some glue." Turning to Rowan, he explained. "Of course she did. It was the type of thing Theo was likely to have in her pocket but, in her defense, Aishe didn't know that. So sweet little Theo offered to allow Nic to borrow her super glue so that he could keep his shoes on his feet. She then tells him that the super glue probably won't work because Nic thought they were damned. However, Theo informed him that God doesn't bother damning shoes. She then decides that the problem is Nic himself blaming the shoes for his fall. So she tells him he needs to apologize to them. He was a good sport about it and apologized gravely to his shoes and promised them an extra polishing. Theo absolved him of his sins and all was forgiven." He smiled at them both and took another sip of his wine. "Quite frankly, I was surprised that Grisha didn't throw the whole lot of us out on our ears."

Crystal bit the inside of her cheek to keep the moan Rowan's words evoked from actually escaping her mouth. The words immediately called to mind the many times in the recent past that Rowan's hand had actually done that very act and caused that very reaction. [You're killing me. Perhaps I should just moan your name now; You've got me so hard it hurts.]
She frowned at Alfarinn's words and corrected. "No, He has been desperate and hurt recently, not stupid." [Yes, he knows. Rowan took it very well.] Her beautiful man was very understanding about many things.
Crystal felt her heart stir at the mischievous little smile that played across Rowan's lips. [Is that so, Doctor? And what do you recommend for this current problem that I am having?]
As Alfarinn recounted his tale, she was amused to hear that Aishe had suggested gluing the shoes to Nic's feet. Crystal giggled lightly at the whole story, from the cursed objects to the fact that Nic did indeed go along with whole crazy show. "At least he was a good sport about it. That probably earned him a new friend with Theo."
Answering Rowan's question, Cris sent. [I am one thousand, six hundred, and sixty something or other. I must admit that I stopped observing the birthdays closely after the first fifteen hundred. You? Am I robbing the cradle or dating a sexy older man, worldly and full of experience?]
Alfarinn mentioned Grisha and expressed his surprise that the old man hadn't kicked them all out of his precious book store. Shrugging, she said. "He was probably secretly enjoying the show."

He continued to smile at the exchange between Alfarinn and Cris. "They sound like they're lucky to have each other," Rowan pointed out as they continued in the theme they'd begun. He had nothing else to add on that topic; it was clear to him that they were good for each other.
As to Cris's medical issue Rowan's smile grew. [Well the best cure is to follow your urges, base as they may be, a ghra. It will solve the problem quite readily, although I warn you this condition is chronic. It will come back. Quite possibly, within minutes.]
He laughed at the story about this Theo, interested in Aishe's part in it as well. He wanted to know more about anyone in Cris's family, and he had liked his daughter. It occurred to him, not for the first time, to ask about Cris's Creator. Who it was. He thought it might be this Grisha since Cris had mentioned him several times but he didn't want to assume.
[I have about three quarters of your years,] he sent to Christian. [I am twelve hundred and thirty two this year. But that count is off; I don't know how old I was when I was turned.] His best guess was that he was somewhere in his twenties but he didn't know how rough a life he may or may not have had before. Maybe he had been a youthful forty. Maybe a aged eighteen. It would have to stay a mystery.